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Re: gEDA-user: Free Dog meeting report: Notes on the topics we discussed

On Thursday 15 September 2005 08:01 am, Stuart Brorson wrote:

> QCad was discussed, and we hope to try out BRL-CAD at the next Free
> Dog meeting, to be held at the normal time in Cambridge, MA.


BRL-CAD is an amazing piece of software. If you work the
tutorial "VolumeII-Introduction_to_MGED" you will find yourself
up to speed enough to produce *really* nice 2D and 3D drawings.
I highly recommend this application. In fact, after working with 
program for a couple of days, we are not going to be spending 
any $ on varicad seats - Which is a very good thing because the 
money we saved will still be in our budget for other things :)

FWIW, the application was primarily written by Mike Muuss,
who as you know, gave everybody ping and other everyday 
networking utilities.

Best regards


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