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gEDA-user: Xaw Port of PCB

like many of you that feel offended by discriminating
suggestions that something is cross-platform just
because it runs on both windows & linux flavors of x86
architectures (lots of people running in alphas, DECs,
powerPCs, etc) i also must say that i feel that way
too when i find myself in the obligation to upgrade a
distro to install a software. The Xaw port of PCB
shouldn't be dropped. Please, don't. There are some of
us that still, believe it or not, use Redhat 6.2,
redhat 7.3 in some cases, and upgrading may not be an
option at all. After a couple of takes downloading
increasingly older versions of pcb, i searched for
this mailing list, and i found this very sad,
unanswered mail:


So, PLEASE, could someone be so kind and explain how
to compile the Xaw port?

 thanks so much in advance


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