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Re: gEDA-user: smd challenge parts

> > The 01005's are only 16 mils LONG.  My soldering iron tip is 20
> > mils.
> Is that the finest tip soldering iron available?

Metcal has a 16 mil tip too, and you can get 15 mil solder.  I have 20
mil tip and solder.

> Another possibility is to get one of those hot-air soldering units
> and use that instead of a soldering iron.  Then hold the part down
> with your tweezers, heat it with the stream of hot air, and then
> touch the pad/part with a bit of the thinnest solder you can get.

I was going to try one with an iron, and one with an oven (which would
require *buying* an oven, of course ;)

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