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Re: gEDA-user: batch printing

On Monday 03 September 2007 08:56:23 Duncan Drennan wrote:
> I had a look at the gschem users guide on the wiki, which mentions
> printing with gschem using the following command, "gschem -q -p -o
> schematic_1.ps -s print.scm schematic_1.sch"
> Is it possible to do batch printing? I tried "gschem -q -p -o
> schematic_1.ps -s print.scm schematic_1.sch schematic_2.sch" but only
> the first page is printed.
> Also, what option can I add to the print.scm scheme to output to an A4
> size page? Maybe "(output-size "A4")" but that didn't work.

Here's a snippet of a Makefile I use:

%.pdf: %.ps
	ps2pdf -dAutoRotatePages=/All $< $@

%.ps: %.sch
	gschem -p -o $@ \

steppers.pdf: steppers-1.ps steppers-2.ps
	gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite \
	-dAutoRotatePages=/All -sOutputFile=$@ $^
	-s /home/peter/opt/share/gEDA/scheme/print.scm $<

all: psu.pdf steppers.pdf


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