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gEDA-user: Push to geda's git directly: promote open hardware development by donating your symbols/footprints

> On Tue, 22 Sep 2009 08:00:18 +0200, Bert Timmerman wrote:
> I think that gschem symbols in a git repository would be Really Cool
> (TM). I would even join in on the fun. See

On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 7:48 AM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> If they could, it would interfere with the way I deal with gedasymbols at
> the moment. I set the component-library path to the local copy of the
> repository.

Hello there,

We all know that creating symbols and footprints are pretty the boring
part of the electronic design.

So can we all focus on putting all our symbols and footprints into the
main geda-symbols tarball ?
gEDA developers please detail us the process.

Any user will benefit from this collaborative work instead of roaming
around various git repositories in hope have luck to find the needed
symbol or footprint.

What do you think can we guide our symbols and footprint into the main
geda-symbols tarball ?

I believe if we do so many new users will be attracted by gEDA than
other commercial product. At the same time, "contribution and
collaboration" is the beauty of opensource software that we all proud

I also believe this will help other openhardware communities (see on
code.google.com) donate their symbols and footprints for the wider
gEDA community.

Chitlesh Goorah

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