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Re: gEDA-user: Gerbv Zoom for Measurements

At 01:59 AM 9/1/2010, you wrote:
Rick Collins wrote:

> Do all versions of this software have this limitation?  Is this
> something that is going to be addressed?

At the maximum zoom, the canvas is about 95 mil wide in a maximised window
on my 1280x1024 linux screen. Is this more zoom than with your windows

I measure 237 x 149 mil with maximum zoom and the side panel set to minimum size on a 1440 x 900 display. So yes, you are seeing more zoom by over 2x I would say.

There are some other issues with the layout window. I think I mentioned before that it doesn't correctly image the rounded rectangle pads that FreePCB generates using macros.

Also, when I switch to another window and then back, the part of image that is redrawn is offset from what should be drawn there. This varies depending on how I make the focus switch. Using the Alt-Tab key results in a corruption that doesn't go away by itself. If I move the mouse over the Gerbv icon in the task bar the layout pane is redrawn correctly. Clicking on the Gerbv task in the task bar I get a visible, but short delay before the window is redrawn correctly.


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