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Re: gEDA-user: Portable gEDA for Windows

On Sep 19, 2010, at 10:04 AM, John Griessen wrote:
> So, by using .NET you put users of your compilation in an upgrade treadmill to the benefit of Microsoft.


This version gives the ability to run gEDA to users of certain Windows versions who couldn't use it before.  And when their computers get old, hopefully they'll install linux on them (and keep running gEDA)-- actually upgrade them rather than replace them.    

Does it work for absolutely everyone?  No, but that wasn't in the scope of the project.   (And, if your computer is old enough that M$ doesn't support you, Linux and gEDA are still here for you.)

On Sep 19, 2010, at 11:04 AM, Chris Malton wrote:

>  What've I broken in building it this way?  Do let me know.

Nothing.  Disregard the haters.  You've made a genuine and useful contribution to the gEDA ecosystem-- Nice work, and thank you!

- Windell

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