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gEDA-user: Zero length pins
In response to a question on the chat, I've been playing around with pins of zero graphical length. It turns out that these work quite well. Why would anyone want such? Well, they allow you to put a connection point on any graphic, not just the end of a line of a particular style. The only blemish is that you apparently can't create such a thing in the gschem GUI, so you have to go outside. Appending the following line to your .sym file will get you started:
P 100 100 100 100 1 0 0
Once you have this object, you can move it, copy it, attach attributes to it, etc. in the gschem GUI. Unattached, it looks like a little red flag, while with a net attached it disappears. Gnetlist has no trouble treating it as a pin.
Just another example of gEDA avoiding unnecessary assumptions about the process (except in the GUI), and thereby gaining unusual flexibility. Genius.
John Doty Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.
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