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Re: gEDA-user: gschem sym files

Andrew Miner:
> > Karl Hammar wrote 
> >  1c, add missing pintypes (eg. should we have one for "nc")
> +1 for nc since ICs have pins that are labeled that way.  Would the DRC just
> ignore it, or would the DRC complain if it was connected to anything?
Since nc is just a piece of copper attached to the (plastic/ceramic) 
package, why should drc complain?

A "nc" pin would be like "pas", but gives no error if unconnected.

> I would also like to see a pwr_src pin type which would be the output of the
> voltage regulator (or source).  That way the DRC would warn you if you
> shorted two power sources together or if you forgot to hook one of your
> power input pins to the power plane (and only connected it to a capacitor
> instead).


That would translate to:
 max one "pwr_src" per net

/Karl Hammar

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