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Re: gEDA-user: gschem sym files

> Kai-Martin Knaak:
> > Karl Hammar wrote:
> > > Shall we update the distributed sym files so they pass gsymcheck ?
> > Yes, please.
> ..
> > > Should a missing numslots=0 really be a warning?
> ...
> > ack. It has been quite some time that numslots=0 is not necessary 
> > anymore.
> Ok, a first step would then be:
>  1, add/correct pintype to the sym files
>   1a, which programs use pintype
>   1b, identify the correct meaning of pintype values as used today

Since drc2 is the only user of the pintype value, I looked into it.
There is no semantic definitions there, only what can be connected to
what and that is defined by

 pintype-can-drive: which pintypes can drive a net
 drc-matrix: which pintypes that can connect to each other

Note A,
 since drc-matrix is symmetric (connection a -> b is the
 same as connection b -> a) and it is not directly referenced by 
 anything else than get-drc-matrixelement, I suggest we do it lower 
 triangular and let get-drc-matrix-element swap row/column if
 row < column. As a side effect the drc2:is_simetric-drc-matrix
 check could be elimated.

Note B,
 "unknown", "in" and "pas" rows/columns has the same content.
 "out" and "tp" has the same content.
 Do we really need multiple pintypes to say the same thing?

Note C, since pintype is only used to test for allowed connections
 then maybe "pintype" is the wrong name for it.

Note D, since "unconnected" seems to be for internal use only,
 drc2 should reject it on input.

/Karl Hammar

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