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Re: gEDA-user: gschem sym files

On Sep 28, 2010, at 2:30 PM, Edward Hennessy wrote:

>> Side note:
>> A capabilities attribute that might get a string like 'Current_RMS_supply=1A; Current_PEAK_supply=1.5A@xxxx'
> It would be nice to have an attribute to check if a power pin is connected to the proper supply voltage.

The intent was that capabilities would be a set of key value pairs that could be processed, and that almost anything would go there.

The symbol would be a good place to put the tolerance of inputs,  like a 3.3 volt part with 5 Volt tolerant inputs, default on the logic levels of the symbol, but overrides could exist on pins,  some parts have pins that are 5 volt tolerant and others that are isolated for 1000's of volts.


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