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Re: gEDA-user: new footprint guidelines

On Sep 30, 2010, at 7:00 AM, Armin Faltl <armin.faltl@xxxxxx> wrote:

> Yes and No. The number of practical orientations a board and part can have are very limited,
> but to check them, until now a human will be involved. True automation readines requires
> that you can feed the file into the machine, the machine knows, where it's fixtures are
> and therefore will correctly transform design positions to machine positions without
> manual intervention. The operator just has to follow the rule, that the (0, 0) marking
> on the board (to be invented) "has to be at the fixture with the red dot".
> To help everyone involved, I include 'TOP' and 'BOT' in my copyright notices, written
> in copper. My current board isn't square, but then I could state, that the baseline
> of the copyright is parallel to X-axis in the XYRS file.

Would registration marks help with this?   Three points forming approximately a 90 degree corner. Would give the ability to detect +x,+y
I know our smt lines heavily depend on these marks.

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