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Re: [gftp] gftp and VMS machines

Hi Brian,

In passive mode the SYST command is sent. Follows the full log. The response is indeed VMS + else, which if I understood you correctly is the problem...

Looking up nucv18
Trying nucv18.anu.edu.au:21
Connected to nucv18:21
220 NUCV18.ANU.EDU.AU FTP Server (Version 5.0) Ready.
USER rxy104
331 Username rxy104 requires a Password
PASS xxxx
230 User logged in.
200 VMS OpenVMS V7.2 on node NUCV18.ANU.EDU.AU.
200 TYPE set to IMAGE.
257 "$USER2:[FISSION.RXY104]" is current directory.
227 Entering Passive Mode (150,203,19,51,5,41)
150 Opening data connection for $USER2:[FISSION.RXY104]*.*;* (,36453)
Warning: Cannot parse listing
Warning: Cannot parse listing Directory $USER2:[FISSION.RXY104]
Warning: Cannot parse listing
Warning: Cannot parse listing $MAIN.TPU$JOURNAL;1
Warning: Cannot parse listing 1/18 8-JUN-2004 13:04:14 [NUCLEAR,FISSION] (RWED,RWED,RE,)
Warning: Cannot parse listing TCPIP$FTP_SERVER.LOG;29
Warning: Cannot parse listing 0/18 8-JUN-2004 14:42:04 [NUCLEAR,FISSION] (RWED,RWED,RE,)
Warning: Cannot parse listing TCPIP$FTP_SERVER.LOG;28
Warning: Cannot parse listing 5/18 8-JUN-2004 13:05:11 [NUCLEAR,FISSION] (RWED,RWED,RE,)
Warning: Cannot parse listing TCPIP$FTP_SERVER.LOG;27
Warning: Cannot parse listing 5/18 8-JUN-2004 13:03:51 [NUCLEAR,FISSION] (RWED,RWED,RE,)
Warning: Cannot parse listing
Warning: Cannot parse listing Total of 4 files, 11/72 blocks
226 LIST Directory transfer complete.


On Sun, 6 Jun 2004, Brian Masney wrote:

  Please send me all of the "Cannot parse listing" messages or at least enough
to see a few examples of the files. I do know that gftp does not support
multiline VMS listings at the moment.

Also, when you first log into the VMS server and gftp sends the SYST command,
does the output look something line this:

215 VMS

There will probably be a space and trailing characters after the VMS. That's
fine if that's the case. If it says something else, then this is the problem.


On Fri, Jun 04, 2004 at 10:16:53AM +1000, Ricardo Yanez wrote:
	I was embarrassed by gftp. It has been impossible to make it work
in Linux (Debian 3.0r1, gftp version 2.0.11 and 2.0.16) conneting to an
alpha machine running VMS. Embarrasing because people using Windows 98 and
ProFTP have no problems.

I disabled the -aL listing options, which is not liked by this old VMS ftp
server version. I also disabled passive transfers. All these disabled
options are part of the suggestions made in the FAQ.

When I login to the VMS machine the log says,

150 Opening data connection for $USER2:[FISSION.RXY103]*.*;*
Warning: Cannot parse listing
Warning: Cannot parse listing Directory $USER2:[FISSION.RXY103]
Warning: Cannot parse listing
Warning: Cannot parse listing TCPIP$FTP_SERVER.LOG;23

And no files appear in Windows 2. Any ideas?


Ricardo Yanez
Department of Nuclear Physics
Research School of Physical Sciences & Engineering
Australian National University
Canberra, ACT 0200
office: +61 2 6125 2424
fax: +61 2 6125 0748