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Re: [gftp] gFTP >= 2.0.15 not showing all files

   There was a bug in 2.0.16 (and older) that the wrong year would be appended
to files in some cases.  Please try the version of gftp I have only at
http://www.gftp.org/gftp-test.tar.bz2 and that should fix your problem.


On Wed, Mar 03, 2004 at 03:20:55PM -0600, Chuck R. Bell wrote:
> I'm seeing an insidious bug with gFTP 2.0.15 and 2.0.16. It seems to be 
> reproducible, but I'd appreciate it if anyone else here can verify this 
> problem on their computer.
> It seems that on some FTP sites the files list is not showing files 
> dated later than Dec 2003 but only with gFTP 2.0.15 and later. gFTP 
> 2.0.14 shows all the files.
> Here's an example:
> With gFTP 2.0.16, login anonymous to  ftp.sourceforge.net 
> /pub/sourceforge/dropline-gnome and you should see a  rather long list 
> of files. 
> Sort them by date and, if you see what I see, the latest file listed is 
> dated Dec 3, 2003.
> With gFTP 2.0.14, there are a whole bunch of files for Jan and Feb 2004 
> that do not show up with gFTP 2.0.15 and later. Apparently files for 
> 2004 just aren't showing up!
> I've tried clearing the cache in gFTP,  removing the ~/.gftp directory 
> and letting it get re-created, uninstalled and reinstalled gFTP, removed 
> all files in my /tmp directory, and this problem still persists. I had a 
> friend of mine running gFTP 2.0.15 try this and he sees the same problem.
> Incidentally, I'm running Slackware -current (9.1x).
> Any help much appreciated. This kinda shakes my confidence in gFTP-2.0.16!
> Thanks
> Chuck Bell