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Here is a synopsis of what is left for Indy's release and of the
people doing it (besides myself).

Task						!    People
Hacking the installation (half done)		! None
Looking at what apps can go to second CD	! None
Keeeping software up to date, trivial case	! 
(just change version number into the spec	! None
file)						!
Keeeping software up to date, non trivial case	! None
Translations both of software descriptions and	!
of some texts seen by the user during install	! None
(latter is mandatory for legal reasons as the	!
texts mention RedHat)				!
Replace a set of RedHat's icons	(mandatory)	! None
Investigate software and compare it at what is	!
shipped in Indy since Indy's spirit is not	! None
delivering every program available for Linux 	!
but only the best				!
Updating the web site both in the politics part	! None
as for pointers or the recruiting form		!
Give the finishing touch to applications like   !
ensuring they use sensible defaults		! None
Negociating with mirror sites			! None
Trying what is already built			! None
Building the kernel				! None
Managing, taking care of those who fill the form! None
PR: ensuring that Indy's goals are widely known ! None
Everything else					! None

Indy's goal was not providing an installation whose users would make
users say "ohs" and "ahs'its goal ensuring that the user can ask for
help, that the appliactions cover his needs, that the distrib is
tolerant to user's mistakes or that the distrib is optimal out of the
box without need for user intervention.  In fact Indy's goal was to
take care of the real problems of the Linux user not the glamorous
ones.  Its goal was to take care of those people who would have to use
and administer Linux without having had previous training.  There are
people who object about 'dumbing down' Linux but if we don't dumb it
down, that means Linux only for the educated and (because
opportunities are never equal) Linux for the rich, Microsoftware for
the poor.  Reversed Robin Hood.

But for Indy making progress it is only possible a minimal core of
people.  For a time I have tried to make without that core despite
increasing disheartening.  No longer.

			Jean Francois Martinez

Project Independence: Linux for the Masses