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Independence upgrade bugs

Hi there. I'm new on the list, but just tried to upgrade a mostly
standard RH5.2 box to use Independence. I downloaded the rpms, did
'rpm -Uvi *rpm' and watched most of them fail. I had several problems.
First, a set of failed dependencies -- maxwell needed freefonts, and
timidity needed libncurses 3; I've got libncurses 4.2.  Does it really
need the old version? 

In addition, as I installed the packages, a good number of them tried
to put things in as user/group "jfm" -- my machine has no such user,
so they used root instead.

The patches of /sbin/ifup and
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifdhcpc-done failed, but the patch of
/sbin/ifdown succeeded.


Brian T. Sniffen                     "Do! Or do not. There is no 'try'."
MIT Class of 2000                                                 --Yoda