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Re: an easier bash

jfm2@club-internet.fr wrote:
> About purists lets them flame.

Other little config niceties I like to change on a RedHat install.
In my /etc/bashrc

## /etc/bashrc
PS1="[\u@\h \w]\\$ "
# This makes it show the full path.  not just the curent dir 
# ( There are at least 4 dirs named 'bin' in a Indi distrib )

alias which="type -path"
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
# Directories are blue.  RPMs and TGZs are red etc... Nicer CL 
# than DOS ever was.  People even bought a command.com replacement
# to get this.

alias minicom='minicom -c on'   
# Some of us use BBSs still :).

And I mangle my /etc/profile beyond recognition.
Most of it is just QT stuff though.

## /etc/profile
 eval `dircolors -b`
# I think this helps with color ls.  I just stole it from Slackware
# thogh.