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Re: Some help needed

I spent about 15 minutes making a new logo.  Here it is in web-friendly GIF.
If you want the oringal (PNG format) "source", let me know.  I release this
image as (L?)GPL.  (Hahahah, I don't even know which one to say!)

Like I said, it was a quick hack.  But it seems a tad shaprer to me.  Of
course, I'm biased.  I can also probbaly redesign the entire site and spruce
it up a bit if you all like.  I'm in the builsness.  (www.c-cubedinc.com for
boring corporate site, www.dragonlinux.nu for a slightly nicer site.)

Let me know what you think of the logo.

-Karlis Loen
Craig's Creative Concepts
DragonLinux Project Lead

----- Original Message -----
From: JF Martinez <jfm2@club-internet.fr>
To: <independence-l@independence.seul.org>
Sent: Sunday, October 17, 1999 5:50 PM
Subject: Some help needed

> There are two things where help is urgently needed:
> 1) Polishing of the logo (look in the Indy-logos RPM): it presently
>    looks awful due to hasty work.  Also it could be in some way
>    be redrawn while keeping the same theme and general tone
> 2) There are other orgnaizations whose goals are close to ours either
>    directly (more or less Linux for everyone) or indirectly like
>    linuxchicks who is made by women tired of the flames and "RTFM"s
>    who are the answer to many peole questions (When you thibk Linux
>    like Indy people are supposed to you realize that many Linux usaers
>    are isloated users performing system administration from the
>    startand so the ethics in Unix groups doesn't apply because this
>    was designed for _experinced_ system administrators who had the
>    training needed for solving most problems by themselves).
>    Now the goal would be to contact these organizations akun to Indy.
> --
> Jean Francois Martinez
> Project Independence: Linux for the Masses
> http://www.independence.seul.org