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Re: [Libevent-users] EVENT2_MS_CALLING_CONVENTION Macro Suggestion

On Wed, Feb 03, 2016 at 01:56:29AM -0500, Shao Miller wrote:
> Hello, libevent mailing-list.
> Here[1] are some steps which helped me to build libevent with Microsoft
> Windows XP.
> The only quirk I've discovered so far is that when I want to use the Windows
> DDK's "BUILD" program to build a libevent-consuming project, I run into
> calling convention mismatching...  By default, BUILD seems to want to give
> /Gz to the compiler, which specifies __stdcall as the default calling
> convention for functions.  Unfortunately, the steps[1] that I used resulted
> in a libevent DLL using the __cdecl calling convention.  The compiler would
> want /Gd, for that.
> So what happens is that only one of these will be linked:
> - libevent (via __cdecl)
> - Winsock2 (ws2_32, via __stdcall)
> In a BUILD "sources" file, one can use the following line to request /Gd:
>   386_STDCALL=0
> But that doesn't help with Winsock2.
> Fortunately, Winsock2's header uses WSAAPI to mark the calling convention
> for its functions.  That preprocesses as "FAR PASCAL", so the following ugly
> hack gets libevent and Winsock2 to play nicely with BUILD:
>   #ifndef WIN32
>   /* ... */
>   #else
>   #include <windows.h>
>   #define PASCAL __stdcall
>   #include <winsock2.h>
>   #endif
> The build-log will warn about a redefinition of PASCAL, but oh well.

#undef PASCAL
#define PASCAL __stdcall

> Does anyone think it might be worth-while to introduce an
> EVENT2_MS_CALLING_CONVENTION macro between the return-type and identifier
> for each libevent function?  (That's where Microsoft wants it, if I recall
> correctly.)  Or, if all other implementations use the same convention for
> the location of such a calling-convention extension, perhaps
> EVENT2_CALLING_CONVENTION. Hooray for clutter?

I'm not sure that we should change defaults (since this can break
some other builds), but can you send a patch (email/github pull-request)
with that define under #ifdef that generated by cmake/autoconf options
for this?

In the mean time I will try to test it under DDK's BUILD.

> (Another way to ask is, "Would anyone object to...")
> [1] https://www.synthetel.com/libevent-xp

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