My observations are for 2.1.5-beta (and earlier) and not for 2.1.7-rc
1) Once the connection has been closed, you need to use a new evhttp_connection object. There is no workaround for this which I'm aware of and also holds true even for the case described by Azat where the remote server responds with a "Connection:close"
2) If you're setting a timeout, it is advisable to set it on the evhttp_connection object just before/after evhttp_make_request() and then reset the timeout to a higher value in the response callback. This is the workaround I adopted to achieve persistent https connections.
evhttp_connection_set_timeout_tv(connection, short_request_timeout);
evhttp_make_request(connection, request, EVHTTP_REQ_POST, uri);
in response callback
evhttp_connection_set_timeout_tv(connection, keep-alive-duration);
If you don't reset the timeout to a higher value, the connection will be closed when the request timeout expires irrespective of whether the request succeeded or not. I haven't dug deep into the bufferevent_ssl layer to determine why this is happening yet.