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Re:Re: [Libevent-users] https-client sample problem on libevent 2.1.7


If I free the evhttp_connection and create a new on after it is closed, then there is no problem. 

But I just want to know why the https connection can not reconnect to the https server after the close state is detected like http conneciton.
The underlying code should have done the corresponding job, but it seems like doesn't work fine.

At 2016-11-19 03:51:57, "Sanjiv" <sanjiv.raj@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
1) Once the connection has been closed, you need to use a new evhttp_connection object. There is no workaround for this which I'm aware of and also holds true even for the case described by Azat where the remote server responds with a "Connection:close"