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Re: Loki files for banruptcy protection.

On Sun, Aug 19, 2001 at 03:35:40PM -0500, Steve Baker wrote:

> But I don't regard the animation part as the biggest issue (maybe I'm just
> tri-talented and can do the animation part OK) - the 3D model and 2D texture
> origination is the big deal for me - and I don't see a way to automate that
> because it's "artistic" in nature.

Animation may not seem like as big an issue to you but it is a real show
stopper if you don't have any.  I've been trying to piece together an
idea of mine using artwork from the Internet.  There are 3D models and
2D textures out there.  Even stuff that is usable, copyright, Poly-count
etc.  But I've yet to find any animation data I can use.  And trying
to do the animation myself has been almost as big a disaster as
designing a character model myself.  So things kind of stalled around
November.  And having a character inanimately glide around the the
landscape looks so crap I've not been able to bring myself to release
what I've done so far.

Christopher John Purnell  | I thought I'd found a reason to live
http://www.lost.org.uk/   | Just like before when I was a child
--------------------------| Only to find that dreams made of sand
What gods do you pray to? | Would just fall apart and slip through my hands