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[minion-cvs] Tweaks gearing up for 0.0.6rc1.

Update of /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion
In directory moria.mit.edu:/tmp/cvs-serv23428/lib/mixminion

Modified Files:
	Common.py test.py 
Log Message:
Tweaks gearing up for 0.0.6rc1.

  - Document log configuration code; make it easier to force server logs 
    onto/off of the console

  - Add tests for ServerInfo.displayServer.
  - Refactor kegen tests to account for new hostname/IP consistency checking.

  - Add boilerplate at the head of new stats files.

  - Document new file configuration functions

  - Warn if we're configured with a hostname that we can't resolve, or
    that doesn't resolve to our IP.

  - Document new directory layout correctly.
  - Refactor --echo handling so that it actually works.

Index: Common.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/Common.py,v
retrieving revision 1.120
retrieving revision 1.121
diff -u -d -r1.120 -r1.121
--- Common.py	28 Nov 2003 04:14:04 -0000	1.120
+++ Common.py	3 Dec 2003 23:18:52 -0000	1.121
@@ -864,27 +864,39 @@
         self.handlers = []
         if config == None or not config.has_section("Server"):
+            # We're configuring a client.
-        else:
-            #DOCDOC
-            self.setMinSeverity(config['Server'].get('LogLevel', "WARN"))
-            logfile = config.getLogFile()
-            self.addHandler(_ConsoleLogHandler(sys.stderr))
-            if logfile:
-                try:
-                    self.addHandler(_FileLogHandler(logfile))
-                except MixError, e:
-                    self.error(str(e))
-                if keepStderr or config['Server'].get('EchoMessages',0)==2:
-                    return
-                if (config['Server'].get('Daemon',0) or
-                    not config['Server'].get('EchoMessages',0)):
-                    if not self.silenceNoted:
-                        print "Silencing the console log; look in %s instead"%(
-                            logfile)
-                        self.silenceNoted = 1
-                    del self.handlers[0]
+            return
+        # We're configuring the log on a server.  Stuff will get complicated
+        # now.  First, we set the severity as specified in the configuration...
+        self.setMinSeverity(config['Server'].get('LogLevel', "WARN"))
+        # ...find out what logfile we're supposed to use ...
+        logfile = config.getLogFile()
+        # ...and add a handler to log any messages to stderr.
+        self.addHandler(_ConsoleLogHandler(sys.stderr))
+        if logfile:
+            # First, try to create a file log handler.
+            try:
+                self.addHandler(_FileLogHandler(logfile))
+            except MixError, e:
+                self.error(str(e))
+                return
+            # If we're successful, and we're absolutely supposed to echo
+            # messages (or keepStderr is set), we don't even consider
+            # dumping the console log handler.
+            if keepStderr or config['Server'].get('EchoMessages',0)==2:
+                return
+            # If we're running in daemon mode, or we're not supposed to echo
+            # messages, we remove the console log handler.
+            if (config['Server'].get('Daemon',0) or
+                not config['Server'].get('EchoMessages',0)):
+                if not self.silenceNoted:
+                    print "Silencing the console log; look in %s instead"%(
+                        logfile)
+                    self.silenceNoted = 1
+                del self.handlers[0]
     def setMinSeverity(self, minSeverity):
         """Sets the minimum severity of messages to be logged.

Index: test.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/test.py,v
retrieving revision 1.169
retrieving revision 1.170
diff -u -d -r1.169 -r1.170
--- test.py	28 Nov 2003 04:14:04 -0000	1.169
+++ test.py	3 Dec 2003 23:18:52 -0000	1.170
@@ -4410,6 +4410,40 @@
 class ServerInfoTests(TestCase):
+    def test_displayServer(self):
+        ds = mixminion.ServerInfo.displayServer
+        eq = self.assertEquals
+        eq(ds(None), "unknown server")
+        eq(ds("Fred"), "Fred")
+        # Test without keyid resolver
+        eq(ds(IPV4Info("", 48099, "x"*20)),
+           "server at")
+        eq(ds(MMTPHostInfo("a.b.com", 48099, "x"*20)),
+           "server at a.b.com:48099")
+        # Test with keyid resolver
+        def resolver(keyid):
+            if keyid[0] == 'a': return "Kenichi"
+            elif keyid[1] == 'b': return "Tima"
+            else: return None
+        try:
+            mixminion.ServerInfo._keyIDToNicknameFn = resolver
+            eq(ds(IPV4Info("", 48099, "b"*20)),
+               "'Tima' at")
+            eq(ds(IPV4Info("", 48099, "x"*20)),
+               "server at")
+            eq(ds(MMTPHostInfo("ken.com", 48099, "a"*20)),
+               "'Kenichi' at ken.com:48099")
+        finally:
+            mixminion.ServerInfo._keyIDToNicknameFn = None
+            # Test serverinfos
+        examples = getExampleServerDescriptors()
+        eq(ds(mixminion.ServerInfo.ServerInfo(string=examples["Fred"][0])),
+           "'Fred' at Fred:48099")
     def test_ServerInfo(self):
         # Try generating a serverinfo and see if its values are as expected.
         identity = getRSAKey(1, 2048)
@@ -4422,11 +4456,15 @@
         if not os.path.exists(d):
             os.mkdir(d, 0700)
-        inf = generateServerDescriptorAndKeys(conf,
-                                              identity,
-                                              d,
-                                              "key1",
-                                              d)
+        try:
+            overrideDNS({"Theserver": ""})
+            inf = generateServerDescriptorAndKeys(conf,
+                                                  identity,
+                                                  d,
+                                                  "key1",
+                                                  d)
+        finally:
+            undoReplacedAttributes()
         info = mixminion.ServerInfo.ServerInfo(string=inf)
         eq = self.assertEquals
         eq(info['Server']['Descriptor-Version'], "0.2")
@@ -4472,11 +4510,15 @@
         if not os.path.exists(d):
             os.mkdir(d, 0700)
-        inf = generateServerDescriptorAndKeys(conf,
-                                              identity,
-                                              d,
-                                              "key2",
-                                              d)
+        try:
+            overrideDNS({"Theserver" : ""})
+            inf = generateServerDescriptorAndKeys(conf,
+                                                  identity,
+                                                  d,
+                                                  "key2",
+                                                  d)
+        finally:
+            undoReplacedAttributes()
         info = mixminion.ServerInfo.ServerInfo(string=inf)
         eq(info['Delivery/MBOX'].get('Version'), '0.1')
         eq(info['Delivery/Fragmented'].get('Version'), '0.1')
@@ -4598,9 +4640,9 @@
         eq(info.getMMTPHostInfo(), info.getRoutingInfo())
-        #XXXX006 this is a workaround to deal with the fact that we've
-        #XXXX006 opened a fragment DB just to configure the server. Not
-        #XXXX006 cool.
+        #XXXX this is a workaround to deal with the fact that we've
+        #XXXX opened a fragment DB just to configure the server. Not
+        #XXXX cool.  Startup should get refactored.
         # Now with a shorter configuration
@@ -4614,11 +4656,15 @@
-        generateServerDescriptorAndKeys(conf,
-                                        identity,
-                                        d,
-                                        "key2",
-                                        d)
+        try:
+            overrideDNS({"Theserver2" : ""})
+            generateServerDescriptorAndKeys(conf,
+                                            identity,
+                                            d,
+                                            "key2",
+                                            d)
+        finally:
+            undoReplacedAttributes()
         # Now with a bad signature
         sig2 = Crypto.pk_sign(sha1("Hello"), identity)
         sig2 = base64.encodestring(sig2).replace("\n", "")
@@ -4684,12 +4730,21 @@
-        _ = generateServerDescriptorAndKeys(conf,
-                                            identity,
-                                            d,
-                                            "key2",
-                                            d,
-                                            useServerKeys=1)
+        try:
+            suspendLog()
+            overrideDNS({"Theserver3" : ""})
+            _ = generateServerDescriptorAndKeys(conf,
+                                                identity,
+                                                d,
+                                                "key2",
+                                                d,
+                                                useServerKeys=1)
+        finally:
+            s = resumeLog()
+            undoReplacedAttributes()
+        self.assertEndsWith(s, "Configured hostname 'Theserver3' resolves to"
+                      ", but we're publishing the IP\n")
         key3 = mixminion.server.ServerKeys.ServerKeyset(d, "key2", d)
@@ -4709,15 +4764,16 @@
         self.assert_(not info3.canRelayTo(info)) # info3 has no outgoing/mmtp
-        #XXXX006 Test negative (IPv4) cases, somehow.
-        key3.regenerateServerDescriptor(conf2, identity)
+        try:
+            overrideDNS({"Theserver4": ""})
+            key3.regenerateServerDescriptor(conf2, identity)
+        finally:
+            undoReplacedAttributes()
         info3 = key3.getServerDescriptor()
         eq(info3['Incoming/MMTP']['Hostname'], "Theserver4")
         eq(info3['Incoming/MMTP']['IP'], "")
     def test_directory(self):
         eq = self.assertEquals
         examples = getExampleServerDescriptors()
@@ -4969,7 +5025,8 @@
         # Test rotate
         s2 = readFile(os.path.join(homedir, "stats"))
-        eq(s2.split("\n")[1:], sOrig.split("\n")[1:])
+        eq([ l for l in s2.split("\n") if l == '' or l[0] not in "#="],
+           sOrig.split("\n")[1:])
         eq(ES.log.count['UnretriableDelivery'], {})
         eq(ES.log.lastSave, tm+3600*24)
         eq(ES.log.accumulatedTime, 0)
@@ -5154,11 +5211,13 @@
         # Check serverinfo generation.
+            overrideDNS({"TheServer5" : ''})
             info = generateServerDescriptorAndKeys(
                 conf, getRSAKey(0,2048), home_dir, "key11", home_dir)
             self.failUnless(stringContains(info,"\n[Example]\nFoo: 99\n"))
+            undoReplacedAttributes()
         # Try again, this time with the test module disabled.
@@ -5852,15 +5911,19 @@
         # Now create a keyset
         now = time.time()
-        keyring.createKeys(1, now)
-        # check internal state
-        ivals = keyring.keySets
-        start = mixminion.Common.previousMidnight(now)
-        finish = mixminion.Common.previousMidnight(start+(10*24*60*60)+30)
-        self.assertEquals(1, len(ivals))
-        self.assertEquals((start,finish), ivals[0][0:2])
+        try:
+            overrideDNS({"Theserver5" : ''})
+            keyring.createKeys(1, now)
+            # check internal state
+            ivals = keyring.keySets
+            start = mixminion.Common.previousMidnight(now)
+            finish = mixminion.Common.previousMidnight(start+(10*24*60*60)+30)
+            self.assertEquals(1, len(ivals))
+            self.assertEquals((start,finish), ivals[0][0:2])
-        keyring.createKeys(2)
+            keyring.createKeys(2)
+        finally:
+            undoReplacedAttributes()
         # Check the first key we created
         va, vu, _ = keyring._getLiveKeys()[0]
@@ -6153,9 +6216,13 @@
             k = "tst%d"%n
             validAt = previousMidnight(now + 24*60*60*starting[n])
-            gen(config=conf, identityKey=identity, keyname=k,
-                keydir=tmpkeydir, hashdir=tmpkeydir, validAt=validAt,
-                now=publishing)
+            try:
+                overrideDNS({nickname: ip})
+                gen(config=conf, identityKey=identity, keyname=k,
+                    keydir=tmpkeydir, hashdir=tmpkeydir, validAt=validAt,
+                    now=publishing)
+            finally:
+                undoReplacedAttributes()
             sd = os.path.join(tmpkeydir,"key_"+k,"ServerDesc")
@@ -7411,7 +7478,7 @@
     tc = loader.loadTestsFromTestCase
     if 0:
-        suite.addTest(tc(DNSFarmTests))
+        suite.addTest(tc(ServerInfoTests))
         return suite
     testClasses = [MiscTests,