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[minion-cvs] HACKING: add note on magic comments

Update of /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion
In directory moria.seul.org:/tmp/cvs-serv10387/lib/mixminion

Modified Files:
	BuildMessage.py Common.py Crypto.py HashLog.py MMTPClient.py 
	MMTPServer.py Packet.py PacketHandler.py Queue.py benchmark.py 
Log Message:
HACKING: add note on magic comments

	Implement Reply Block format recently added to spec.

	Improve documentation on secure deleting

	Add stubs for keyid checking.  Now blocking on spec for how to
	hash a public key.

	Fix mm_TLSSock_check -> mm_TLSSock_Check.

Everywhere else:
	- Fix code style according to PEP-0008 guidelines
	- Improve doc style to be closer to PEP-0257 guidelines
	- General cleanups and removal of dead code.

Index: BuildMessage.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/BuildMessage.py,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -d -r1.6 -r1.7
--- BuildMessage.py	24 Jun 2002 20:28:19 -0000	1.6
+++ BuildMessage.py	25 Jun 2002 11:41:07 -0000	1.7
@@ -5,62 +5,56 @@
    Code to construct messages and reply blocks."""
+import operator
 from mixminion.Packet import *
 from mixminion.Common import MixError
 import mixminion.Crypto as Crypto
 import mixminion.Modules as Modules
-import operator
 __all__ = [ 'buildForwardMessage', 'buildReplyBlock', 'buildReplyMessage',
             'buildStatelessReplyBlock' ]
 def buildForwardMessage(payload, exitType, exitInfo, path1, path2):
-    """buildForwardMessage(payload, exitType, exitInfo, path1, path2) ->str
-       Constructs a forward message.
+    """Construct a forward message.
             payload: The payload to deliver.
             exitType: The routing type for the final node
             exitType: The routing info for the final node
             path1: Sequence of ServerInfo objects for the first leg of the path
             path1: Sequence of ServerInfo objects for the 2nd leg of the path
-        """
+    """
     return _buildMessage(payload, exitType, exitInfo, path1, path2)
 def buildReplyMessage(payload, path1, replyBlock):
-    """buildReplyMessage(payload, path1, replyBlock) ->str
-       Builds a message using a reply block.  'path1' is a sequence of
-       ServerInfo for the nodes on the first leg of the path."""
+    """Build a message using a reply block.  'path1' is a sequence of
+       ServerInfo for the nodes on the first leg of the path.
+    """
     return _buildMessage(payload, None, None,
-                         path1=path1,
-                         reply=replyBlock)
-def buildReplyBlock(path, exitType, exitInfo, secretPRNG=None):
-    """buildReplyBlock(path, exitType, exitInfo, secretPRNG=None) 
-                                                  -> (Reply block, secret list)
+                         path1=path1, path2=replyBlock)
-       Returns a newly-constructed reply block and a list of secrets used
+def buildReplyBlock(path, exitType, exitInfo, expiryTime=0, secretPRNG=None):
+    """Return a newly-constructed reply block and a list of secrets used
        to make it.
               path: A list of ServerInfo
               exitType: Routing type to use for the final node
               exitInfo: Routing info for the final node
+              expiryTime: The time at which this block should expirt.
               secretPRNG: A PRNG to use for generating secrets.  If not
                  provided, uses an AES counter-mode stream seeded from our
                  entropy source.
-    if secretPRNG == None:
+    if secretPRNG is None:
         secretPRNG = Crypto.AESCounterPRNG()
     secrets = [ secretPRNG.getBytes(SECRET_LEN) for _ in path ]
     header = _buildHeader(path, secrets, exitType, exitInfo, 
-    return ReplyBlock(header, path[0]), secrets
+    return ReplyBlock(header, expiryTime,
+                      Modules.SWAP_FWD_TYPE,
+                      path[0].getRoutingInfo().pack()), secrets
 # Maybe we shouldn't even allow this to be called with userKey==None.
-def buildStatelessReplyBlock(path, user, userKey, email=0):
-    """buildStatelessReplyBlock(path, user, userKey, email=0) -> ReplyBlock
-       Constructs a 'stateless' reply block that does not require the
+def buildStatelessReplyBlock(path, user, userKey, email=0, expiryTime=0):
+    """Construct a 'stateless' reply block that does not require the
        reply-message recipient to remember a list of secrets.
        Instead, all secrets are generated from an AES counter-mode
        stream, and the seed for the stream is stored in the 'tag'
@@ -78,6 +72,7 @@
                   userKey: an AES key to encrypt the seed, or None.
                   email: If true, delivers via SMTP; else delivers via LOCAL.
+    #XXXX Out of sync with the spec.
     if email and userKey:
         raise MixError("Requested EMail delivery without password-protection")
@@ -95,15 +90,12 @@
         exitInfo = LocalInfo(user, "RTRN"+tag).pack()
     prng = Crypto.AESCounterPRNG(seed)
-    return buildReplyBlock(path, exitType, exitInfo, prng)[0]
+    return buildReplyBlock(path, exitType, exitInfo, expiryTime, prng)[0]
 def _buildMessage(payload, exitType, exitInfo,
-                  path1, path2=None, reply=None, paddingPRNG=None, paranoia=0):
-    """_buildMessage(payload, exitType, exitInfo, path1, path2=None,
-                     reply=None, paddingPRNG=None, paranoia=0) -> str
-    Helper method to create a message.
+                  path1, path2, paddingPRNG=None, paranoia=0):
+    """Helper method to create a message.
     The following fields must be set:
        payload: the intended exit payload.
@@ -113,11 +105,11 @@
           on the first leg of the path.
     The following fields must be set for a forward message:
-       path2: a sequence of ServerInfo objects, one for each of the nodes
-          on the second leg of the path.
-    The following fields must be set for a reply message:
-       reply: a ReplyBlock object
+       path2: EITHER
+             a sequence of ServerInfo objects, one for each of the nodes
+             on the second leg of the path.
+         OR
+             a replyBlock object.
     The following fields are optional:
        paddingPRNG: A pseudo-random number generator used to pad the headers
@@ -127,13 +119,15 @@
          header secrets too.  Otherwise, we read all of our header secrets
          from the true entropy source. 
-    assert path2 or reply
-    assert not (path2 and reply)
+    reply = None
+    if isinstance(path2, ReplyBlock):
+        reply = path2
+        path2 = None
     ### SETUP CODE: let's handle all the variant cases.
     # Set up the random number generators.
-    if paddingPRNG == None:
+    if paddingPRNG is None:
         paddingPRNG = Crypto.AESCounterPRNG()
     if paranoia:
         nHops = len(path1)
@@ -144,8 +138,10 @@
     # Determine exit routing for path1 and path2.
     if reply:
-        path1exitinfo = reply.addr.getRoutingInfo().pack()
+        path1exittype = reply.routingType
+        path1exitinfo = reply.routingInfo
+        path1exittype = Modules.SWAP_FWD_TYPE
         path1exitinfo = path2[0].getRoutingInfo().pack()
     # Pad the payload, as needed.
@@ -166,21 +162,20 @@
         header2 = reply.header
     # Construct header1.
-    header1 = _buildHeader(path1,secrets1,Modules.SWAP_FWD_TYPE,path1exitinfo,
+    header1 = _buildHeader(path1,secrets1,path1exittype,path1exitinfo,
     return _constructMessage(secrets1, secrets2, header1, header2, payload)
 def _buildHeader(path,secrets,exitType,exitInfo,paddingPRNG):
-    """_buildHeader(path, secrets, exitType, exitInfo, paddingPRNG) -> str
-       Helper method to construct a single header.
+    """Helper method to construct a single header.
            path: A sequence of serverinfo objects.
            secrets: A list of 16-byte strings to use as master-secrets for
                each of the subeaders.
            exitType: The routing for the last node in the header
            exitInfo: The routing info for the last node in the header
-           paddingPRNG: A pseudo-random number generator to generate padding"""
+           paddingPRNG: A pseudo-random number generator to generate padding
+    """
     assert len(path) == len(secrets)
     if len(path) * ENC_SUBHEADER_LEN > HEADER_LEN:
@@ -189,10 +184,10 @@
     # Construct a list 'routing' of exitType, exitInfo.  
     routing = [ (Modules.FWD_TYPE, node.getRoutingInfo().pack()) for
                 node in path[1:] ]
-    routing.append( (exitType, exitInfo) )
+    routing.append((exitType, exitInfo))
     # sizes[i] is size, in blocks, of subheaders for i.
-    sizes =[ getTotalBlocksForRoutingInfoLen(len(info)) for t, info in routing]
+    sizes =[ getTotalBlocksForRoutingInfoLen(len(ri)) for _, ri in routing]
     # totalSize is number total number of blocks.
     totalSize = reduce(operator.add, sizes)
@@ -207,7 +202,7 @@
     #   junkSeen[i]==the junk that node i will see, before it does any
     #                encryption.   Note that junkSeen[0]=="", because node 0
     #                sees no junk.
-    junkSeen = [ "" ]
+    junkSeen = [""]
     for secret, headerKey, size in zip(secrets, headerKeys, sizes):
         # Here we're calculating the junk that node i+1 will see.
@@ -256,10 +251,10 @@
     """Helper method: Builds a message, given both headers, all known
        secrets, and the padded payload.
-       If using a reply block, secrets2 should be null."""
+       If using a reply block, secrets2 should be null.
+    """
     assert len(payload) == PAYLOAD_LEN
     assert len(header1) == len(header2) == HEADER_LEN
     if secrets2:
         # (Copy secrets2 so we don't reverse the original)

Index: Common.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/Common.py,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -d -r1.4 -r1.5
--- Common.py	24 Jun 2002 20:28:19 -0000	1.4
+++ Common.py	25 Jun 2002 11:41:08 -0000	1.5
@@ -9,7 +9,10 @@
             'installSignalHandlers', 'secureDelete', 'secureRename',
             'ceilDiv', 'floorDiv', 'log', 'debug' ]
-import os, signal, sys
+import os
+import signal
+import sys
+from types import StringType
 class MixError(Exception):
     """Base exception class for all Mixminion errors"""
@@ -38,11 +41,12 @@
 # Python 3.0 is off in the distant future, but I like to plan ahead.
 def floorDiv(a,b):
-    "Computes floor(a / b). See comments for portability notes."
+    "Compute floor(a / b). See comments for portability notes."
     return divmod(a,b)[0]
 def ceilDiv(a,b):
-    "Computes ceil(a / b). See comments for portability notes."
+    "Compute ceil(a / b). See comments for portability notes."
     return divmod(a-1,b)[0]+1
@@ -52,12 +56,20 @@
 _SHRED_CMD = "/usr/bin/shred"
 def secureDelete(fnames, blocking=0):
-    """ Given a list of filenames, removes the contents of all of those files,
-        from the disk, 'securely'.  If blocking=1, does not return until the
-        remove is complete.  If blocking=0, returns immediately, and returns
-        the PID of the process removing the files.  (Returns None if this
-        process unlinked the files itself) XXXX Clarify this."""
-    if type(fnames) == type(""):
+    """Given a list of filenames, removes the contents of all of those
+       files, from the disk, 'securely'.  If blocking=1, does not
+       return until the remove is complete.  If blocking=0, returns
+       immediately, and returns the PID of the process removing the
+       files.  (Returns None if this process unlinked the files
+       itself) XXXX Clarify this.
+       XXXX Securely deleting files only does so much good.  Metadata on
+       XXXX the file system, such as atime and dtime, can still be used
+       XXXX to reconstruct information about message timings.  To be
+       XXXX really safe, we should use a loopback device and shred _that_
+       XXXX from time to time.
+    """
+    if isinstance(fnames, StringType):
         fnames = [fnames]
     if blocking:
         mode = os.P_WAIT
@@ -77,8 +89,6 @@
 # XXXX Placeholder for a real logging mechanism
 def log(s):
     print s
-def debug(s):
-    print s
 # Signal handling
@@ -90,17 +100,19 @@
 terminateHooks = []
 def onReset(fn):
-    """Given a 0-argument function fn, causes fn to be invoked when
+    """Given a 0-argument function fn, cause fn to be invoked when
        this process next receives a SIGHUP."""
 def onTerminate(fn):
-    """Given a 0-argument function fn, causes fn to be invoked when
+    """Given a 0-argument function fn, cause fn to be invoked when
        this process next receives a SIGTERM."""
 def waitForChildren():
-    """Waits until all subprocesses have finished.  Useful for testing.""" 
+    """Wait until all subprocesses have finished.  Useful for testing.""" 
     while 1:
             # FFFF This won't work on Windows.  What to do?
@@ -108,12 +120,13 @@
 def _sigChldHandler(signal_num, _):
     '''(Signal handler for SIGCHLD)'''
     # Because of the peculiarities of Python's signal handling logic, I
     # believe we need to re-register ourself.
-    signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, _sigChldHandler)
+    signal.signal(signal_num, _sigChldHandler)
     while 1:
             # This waitpid call won't work on Windows.  What to do?
@@ -126,7 +139,8 @@
     #outcome, core, sig = status & 0xff00, status & 0x0080, status & 0x7f
     # FFFF Log if outcome wasn't as expected.
-def _sigHandler(signal_num, frame):
+def _sigHandler(signal_num, _):
     '''(Signal handler for SIGTERM and SIGHUP)'''
     signal.signal(signal_num, _sigHandler)
     if signal_num == signal.SIGTERM:
@@ -137,8 +151,9 @@
         for hook in resetHooks:
 def installSignalHandlers(child=1,hup=1,term=1):
-    '''Registers signal handlers for this process.  If 'child', registers
+    '''Register signal handlers for this process.  If 'child', registers
        a handler for SIGCHLD.  If 'hup', registers a handler for SIGHUP.
        If 'term', registes a handler for SIGTERM.'''
     if child:

Index: Crypto.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/Crypto.py,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -d -r1.7 -r1.8
--- Crypto.py	24 Jun 2002 20:28:19 -0000	1.7
+++ Crypto.py	25 Jun 2002 11:41:08 -0000	1.8
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
    the functions in mixminion.Crypto, and not call _minionlib's crypto
    functionality themselves."""
+from types import StringType
 import mixminion._minionlib as _ml
 from mixminion.Common import MixError, MixFatalError, floorDiv, ceilDiv
@@ -56,13 +58,13 @@
     """Given a string s and a 16-byte key key, computes the AES counter-mode
        encryption of s using k.  The counter begins at idx.
-    if type(key) == type(""):
+    if isinstance(key, StringType):
         key = _ml.aes_key(key)
     return _ml.aes_ctr128_crypt(key,s,idx)
 def prng(key,count,idx=0):
     """Returns the bytestream 0x00000000...., encrypted in counter mode."""
-    if type(key) == type(""):
+    if isinstance(key, StringType):
         key = _ml.aes_key(key)
     return _ml.aes_ctr128_crypt(key,"",idx,count)
@@ -71,8 +73,8 @@
        s using the LIONESS super-pseudorandom permutation.
-    assert len(key1)==len(key3)==DIGEST_LEN
-    assert len(key2)==len(key4)==DIGEST_LEN
+    assert len(key1) == len(key3) == DIGEST_LEN
+    assert len(key2) == len(key4) == DIGEST_LEN
     assert len(s) > DIGEST_LEN
     left = s[:DIGEST_LEN]
@@ -152,15 +154,11 @@
     return _ml.rsa_make_public_key(long(n),long(e))
 def pk_encode_private_key(key):
-    """pk_encode_private_key(rsa)->str
-       Creates an ASN1 representation of a keypair for external storage."""
+    """Creates an ASN1 representation of a keypair for external storage."""
     return key.encode_key(0)
 def pk_decode_private_key(s):
-    """pk_encode_private_key(str)->rsa
-       Reads an ASN1 representation of a keypair from external storage."""
+    """Reads an ASN1 representation of a keypair from external storage."""
     return _ml.rsa_decode_key(s,0)
@@ -202,8 +200,8 @@
        If rng is None, uses the general purpose RNG.  The parameter may
        be any length.  len(data) must be <= bytes-42.  '''
-    if rng==None:
-        rng=getCommonPRNG()
+    if rng is None:
+        rng = getCommonPRNG()
     bytes = bytes-1
     mLen = len(data)
     paddingLen = bytes-mLen-2*DIGEST_LEN-1
@@ -242,7 +240,7 @@
             raise CryptoError("Decoding error")
-    if m == None:
+    if m is None:
         raise CryptoError("Decoding error")
     return m
@@ -291,12 +289,12 @@
     def get(self, mode, bytes=AES_KEY_LEN):
         """Creates a new key from the master secret, using the first <bytes>
            bytes of SHA1(master||mode)."""
-        assert 0<bytes<=DIGEST_LEN
+        assert 0 < bytes <= DIGEST_LEN
         return sha1(self.master+mode)[:bytes]
     def getLionessKeys(self, mode):
         """Returns a set of 4 lioness keys, as described in the Mixminion
-        z19="\x00"*19
+        z19 = "\x00"*19
         key1 = sha1(self.master+mode)
         key2 = _ml.strxor(sha1(self.master+mode), z19+"\x01")
         key3 = _ml.strxor(sha1(self.master+mode), z19+"\x02")
@@ -322,8 +320,8 @@
     def __init__(self, chunksize):
         """Initializes a RNG.  Bytes will be fetched from _prng by 'chunkSize'
            bytes at a time."""
-        self.bytes=""
-        self.chunksize=chunksize
+        self.bytes = ""
+        self.chunksize = chunksize
     def getBytes(self, n):
         """Returns a string of 'n' random bytes."""
@@ -333,11 +331,11 @@
             nMore = n+self.chunksize-len(self.bytes)
             morebytes = self._prng(nMore)
             res = self.bytes+morebytes[:n-len(self.bytes)]
-            self.bytes=morebytes[n-len(self.bytes):]
+            self.bytes = morebytes[n-len(self.bytes):]
             return res
             res = self.bytes[:n]
-            self.bytes=self.bytes[n:]
+            self.bytes = self.bytes[n:]
             return res
     def getInt(self, max):
@@ -387,14 +385,14 @@
            is specified, gets one from the true random number generator."""
         RNG.__init__(self, 16*1024)
         self.counter = 0
-        if seed == None:
+        if seed is None:
             seed = trng(AES_KEY_LEN)
         self.key = aes_key(seed)
     def _prng(self, n):
         """Implementation: uses the AES counter stream to generate entropy."""
         c = self.counter
-        self.counter+=n
+        self.counter += n
         # On python2.0, we overflow and wrap around.
         if (self.counter < c) or (self.counter >> 32):
             raise MixFatalError("Exhausted period of PRNG.")
@@ -404,7 +402,7 @@
 def getCommonPRNG():
     '''Returns a general-use AESCounterPRNG, initializing it if necessary.'''
     global _theSharedPRNG
-    if _theSharedPRNG == None:
+    if _theSharedPRNG is None:
         _theSharedPRNG = AESCounterPRNG()
     return _theSharedPRNG

Index: HashLog.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/HashLog.py,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -d -r1.4 -r1.5
--- HashLog.py	24 Jun 2002 20:28:19 -0000	1.4
+++ HashLog.py	25 Jun 2002 11:41:08 -0000	1.5
@@ -30,9 +30,7 @@
        The base HashLog implementation assumes an 8-bit-clean database that
        maps strings to strings."""
     def __init__(self, filename, keyid):
-        """HashLog(filename, keyid) -> hashlog
-           Creates a new HashLog to store data in 'filename' for the key
+        """Create a new HashLog to store data in 'filename' for the key
         self.log = anydbm.open(filename, 'c')
         #FFFF Warn if we're using dumbdbm
@@ -43,9 +41,7 @@
             self.log["KEYID"] = keyid
     def seenHash(self, hash):
-        """seenHash(hash) -> bool
-           Returns true iff 'hash' has been logged before."""
+        """Return true iff 'hash' has been logged before."""
             _ = self.log[hash]
             return 1
@@ -53,22 +49,16 @@
             return 0
     def logHash(self, hash):
-        """logHash(hash)
-           Inserts 'hash' into the database."""
+        """Insert 'hash' into the database."""
         self.log[hash] = "1"
     def sync(self):
-        """sync()
-           Flushes changes to this log to the filesystem."""
+        """Flushes changes to this log to the filesystem."""
         if hasattr(self.log, "sync"):
     def close(self):
-        """close()
-           Closes this log."""
+        """Closes this log."""

Index: MMTPClient.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/MMTPClient.py,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- MMTPClient.py	24 Jun 2002 20:28:19 -0000	1.1
+++ MMTPClient.py	25 Jun 2002 11:41:08 -0000	1.2
@@ -36,32 +36,34 @@
-        self.ssl = self.context.sock(self.sock.fileno())
+        self.tls = self.context.sock(self.sock.fileno())
         #XXXX session resumption
-        self.ssl.connect()
-        # XXXX CHECK KEY XXXX rsa = ssl.get_peer_cert_pk()
+        self.tls.connect()
+        peer_pk = self.tls.get_peer_cert_pk()
+        # XXXX Check the key ... how exactly is this to be hashed?
         # Protocol negotiation
-        self.ssl.write("PROTOCOL 1.0\n")
-        inp = self.ssl.read(len("PROTOCOL 1.0\n"))
+        self.tls.write("PROTOCOL 1.0\n")
+        inp = self.tls.read(len("PROTOCOL 1.0\n"))
         if inp != "PROTOCOL 1.0\n":
             raise MixProtocolError("Protocol negotiation failed")
     def sendPacket(self, packet):
         """Send a single packet to a server."""
         assert len(packet) == 1<<15
-        self.ssl.write("SEND\n")
-        self.ssl.write(packet)
-        self.ssl.write(sha1(packet+"SEND"))
+        self.tls.write("SEND\n")
+        self.tls.write(packet)
+        self.tls.write(sha1(packet+"SEND"))
-        inp = self.ssl.read(len("RECEIVED\n")+20)
+        inp = self.tls.read(len("RECEIVED\n")+20)
         if inp != "RECEIVED\n"+sha1(packet+"RECEIVED"):
             raise MixProtocolError("Bad ACK received")
     def shutdown(self):
         """Close this connection."""
-        self.ssl.shutdown()
+        self.tls.shutdown()
 def sendMessages(targetIP, targetPort, targetKeyID, packetList):
@@ -71,11 +73,3 @@
     for p in packetList:
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Old defunct testing code.  Will remove.
-## if __name__=='__main__':
-##     msg = "helloxxx"*4096
-##     assert len(msg) == (1<<15)
-##     sendMessages("",9001,None,[msg])

Index: MMTPServer.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/MMTPServer.py,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- MMTPServer.py	24 Jun 2002 20:28:19 -0000	1.1
+++ MMTPServer.py	25 Jun 2002 11:41:08 -0000	1.2
@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@
    XXXX As yet unsupported are: Session resumption, key renegotiation,
    XXXX checking KeyID."""
-import socket, select, re
+import socket
+import select
+import re
 import mixminion._minionlib as _ml
 from types import StringType
 from mixminion.Common import MixError, MixFatalError, log
@@ -23,6 +25,7 @@
             'MMTPClientConnection' ]
 def debug(s):
+    '''placeholder; all calls should go away.'''
     #print s
@@ -37,8 +40,6 @@
         """Create a new AsyncServer with no readers or writers."""
         self.writers = {}
         self.readers = {}
-        ## Defunct code for poll-based implementation.
-        #self.p = select.poll()
     def process(self, timeout):
         """If any relevant file descriptors become available within
@@ -49,23 +50,6 @@
         debug("%s readers, %s writers" % (len(self.readers),
-### Defunct code for for poll-based implementation
-#          res = self.p.poll(timeout*1000)
-#          for fd, event in res:
-#              if event == select.POLLIN:
-#                  print "Got a read on", fd
-#                  self.readers[fd].handleRead()
-#              elif event == select.POLLOUT:
-#                  print "Got a write on", fd 
-#                  self.writers[fd].handleWrite()
-#              elif event == select.POLLNVAL:
-#                  #XXXX Should never happen
-#                  print "Bad FD: ",fd, "unregistered."
-#                  self.p.unregister(fd)
-#              else:
-#                  # XXXX Should never happen
-#                  print "????", fd,event
         readfds = self.readers.keys()
         writefds = self.writers.keys()
         readfds, writefds, exfds = select.select(readfds, writefds,[], timeout)
@@ -84,7 +68,6 @@
         """Register a connection as a reader.  The connection's 'handleRead'
            method will be called whenever data is available for reading."""
         fd = reader.fileno()
-        #self.p.register(fd, select.POLLIN)
         self.readers[fd] = reader
         if self.writers.has_key(fd):
             del self.writers[fd]
@@ -94,7 +77,6 @@
            method will be called whenever the buffer is free for writing.
         fd = writer.fileno()
-        #self.p.register(fd, select.POLLOUT)
         self.writers[fd] = writer
         if self.readers.has_key(fd):
             del self.readers[fd]
@@ -215,7 +197,8 @@
             self.__state = self.__connectFn
     def isShutdown(self):
-        return self.__state == None
+        """Returns true iff this connection is finished shutting down"""
+        return self.__state is None
     def register(self, server):
         self.__server = server
@@ -258,18 +241,20 @@
     def __acceptFn(self):
-        # may throw wantread, wantwrite.
-        self.__con.accept()
+        """Hook to implement server-side handshake."""
+        self.__con.accept() #may throw want*
     def __connectFn(self):
-        self.__con.connect()
+        """Hook to implement client-side handshake."""
+        self.__con.connect() #may throw want*
     def __shutdownFn(self):
-        r = self.__con.shutdown()
+        """Hook to implement shutdown."""
+        r = self.__con.shutdown() #may throw want*
         if r == 1:
             debug("Got a 1 on shutdown")
@@ -280,14 +265,15 @@
             debug("Got a 0 on shutdown")
     def __readFn(self):
+        """Hook to implement read"""
         while 1:
-            r = self.__con.read(1024)
+            r = self.__con.read(1024) #may throw want*
             if r == 0:
                 debug("read returned 0.")
-                assert type(r) == StringType
+                assert isinstance(r, StringType)
                 debug("read got %s bytes" % len(r))
                 self.__inbuflen += len(r)
@@ -295,30 +281,28 @@
         if self.__terminator and len(self.__inbuf) > 1:
-            self.__inbuf = [ "".join(self.__inbuf) ]
+            self.__inbuf = ["".join(self.__inbuf)]
         if self.__maxReadLen and self.__inbuflen > self.__maxReadLen:
             debug("Read got too much.")
-        if (self.__terminator and self.__inbuf[0].find(self.__terminator)>-1):
+        if self.__terminator and self.__inbuf[0].find(self.__terminator) > -1:
             debug("read found terminator")
-        if (self.__expectReadLen and 
-            (self.__inbuflen >= self.__expectReadLen)):
+        if self.__expectReadLen and (self.__inbuflen >= self.__expectReadLen):
             debug("read got enough.")
     def __writeFn(self):
+        """Hook to implement write"""
         out = self.__outbuf
         while len(out):
-            # may throw
-            r = self.__con.write(out)
+            r = self.__con.write(out) # may throw
             if r == 0:
                 self.shutdown() #XXXX
@@ -337,22 +321,31 @@
     def __handleAll(self):
-          try:
-              while self.__state is not None:
-                  self.__state()
-          except _ml.TLSWantWrite:
-              self.__server.registerWriter(self)
-          except _ml.TLSWantRead:
-              self.__server.registerReader(self)
-          except _ml.TLSError:
-              if self.__state != self.__shutdownFn:
-                  debug("Unexpected error: closing connection.")
-                  self.shutdown(1)
-              else:
-                  debug("Error while shutting down: closing connection.")
-                  self.__server.unregister(self)
-          else:
-              self.__server.unregister(self)
+        """Underlying implementation of TLS connection: traverses as
+           many states as possible until some operation blocks on
+           reading or writing, or until the current __state becomes
+           None.
+        """
+        try:
+            # We have a while loop here so that, upon entering a new
+            # state, we immediately see if we can go anywhere with it
+            # without blocking.
+            while self.__state is not None:
+                self.__state()
+        except _ml.TLSWantWrite:
+            self.__server.registerWriter(self)
+        except _ml.TLSWantRead:
+            self.__server.registerReader(self)
+        except _ml.TLSError:
+            if self.__state != self.__shutdownFn:
+                debug("Unexpected error: closing connection.")
+                self.shutdown(1)
+            else:
+                debug("Error while shutting down: closing connection.")
+                self.__server.unregister(self)
+        else:
+            # We are in no state at all.
+            self.__server.unregister(self)
     def finished(self):
         """Called whenever a connect, accept, read, or write is finished."""
@@ -364,6 +357,7 @@
     def shutdown(self, err=0):
         """Begin a shutdown on this connection"""
         self.__state = self.__shutdownFn
@@ -373,6 +367,9 @@
     def getInput(self):
         """Returns the current contents of the input buffer."""
         return "".join(self.__inbuf)
+    def getPeerPK(self):
+        return self.__con.get_peer_cert_pk()
 # XXXX Need to support future protos.
@@ -452,11 +449,12 @@
 class MMTPClientConnection(SimpleTLSConnection):
-    def __init__(self, context, ip, port, keyId, messageList,
+    def __init__(self, context, ip, port, keyID, messageList,
         debug("CLIENT CON")
         sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+        self.keyID = keyID
             sock.connect((ip, port))
         except socket.error:
@@ -471,14 +469,18 @@
         self.sentCallback = sentCallback
     def __setupFinished(self):
-        '''Called when we're done with the client side negotations.
-           Begins sending the protocol string.'''
+        """Called when we're done with the client side negotations.
+           Begins sending the protocol string.
+        """
+        peer_pk = self.getPeerPK()
+        # Check this!
         self.finished = self.__sentProtocol
     def __sentProtocol(self):    
-        '''Called when we're done sending the protocol string.  Begins
-           reading the server's response.'''
+        """Called when we're done sending the protocol string.  Begins
+           reading the server's response.
+        """
         self.expectRead(len(PROTOCOL_STRING), len(PROTOCOL_STRING))
         self.finished = self.__receivedProtocol
@@ -493,6 +495,7 @@
     def beginNextMessage(self):
+        """Start writing a message to the connection."""
         if not self.messageList:
@@ -533,46 +536,3 @@
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Old defunct testing code.  Will remove 
-## if __name__=='__main__':
-##   import sys
-##   if len(sys.argv) == 1:
-##     d = "/home/nickm/src/ssl_sandbox/"
-##     for f in (d+"server.cert",d+"server.pk",d+"dh"):
-##         assert os.path.exists(f)
-##     context = _ml.TLSContext_new(d+"server.cert",d+"server.pk",d+"dh")
-##     _server = AsyncServer()
-##     def receiveMessage(pkt):
-##         print "Received packet beginning with %r" % pkt[:16]
-##     def conFactory(con,context=context,receiveMessage=receiveMessage):
-##         tls = context.sock(con)
-##         con.setblocking(0)
-##         return MMTPServerConnection(con, tls, receiveMessage)
-##     listener = ListenConnection("", 9002, 5, conFactory)
-##     listener.register(_server)
-##     try:
-##         while 1:
-##             print "."
-##             _server.process(10)
-##     finally:
-##         listener.shutdown()
-##   else:
-##     context = _ml.TLSContext_new()
-##     _server = AsyncServer()
-##     def sentMessage():
-##         print "Done sending a message"
-##     msg = "helloxxx"*4096
-##     clientDone = 0
-##     def onSend():
-##         global clientDone
-##         clientDone = 1
-##     sender = MMTPClientConnection(context, "", 9002, None,
-##                                   [msg], onSend)
-##     sender.register(_server)
-##     while 1 and not clientDone:
-##         print "."
-##         _server.process(10)

Index: Packet.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/Packet.py,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- Packet.py	24 Jun 2002 20:28:19 -0000	1.2
+++ Packet.py	25 Jun 2002 11:41:08 -0000	1.3
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
             'parseMessage', 'parseHeader', 'parseSubheader',
             'getTotalBlocksForRoutingInfoLen', 'ReplyBlock',
             'IPV4Info', 'SMTPInfo', 'LocalInfo', 'parseIPV4Info',
-            'parseSMTPInfo', 'parseLocalInfo', 'ENC_SUBHEADER_LEN',
+            'parseSMTPInfo', 'parseLocalInfo', 'ReplyBlock',
+            'parseReplyBlock', 'ENC_SUBHEADER_LEN',
@@ -49,9 +50,7 @@
 def parseMessage(s):
-    """parseMessage(s) -> Message
-       Given a 32K string, returns a Message object that breaks it into
+    """Given a 32K string, returns a Message object that breaks it into
        two headers and a payload."""
     if len(s) != MESSAGE_LEN:
         raise ParseError("Bad message length")
@@ -65,21 +64,17 @@
        Fields: header1, header2, payload"""
     def __init__(self, header1, header2, payload):
-        """Message(header1, header2, payload) -> msg
-           Creates a new Message object from three strings."""
+        """Create a new Message object from three strings."""
         self.header1 = header1
         self.header2 = header2
         self.payload = payload
     def pack(self):
-        """Returns the 32K string value of this message."""
+        """Return the 32K string value of this message."""
         return "".join([self.header1,self.header2,self.payload])
 def parseHeader(s):
-    """parseHeader(s) -> Header
-       Converts a 2K string into a Header object"""
+    """Convert a 2K string into a Header object"""
     if len(s) != HEADER_LEN:
         raise ParseError("Bad header length")
@@ -88,6 +83,7 @@
 class Header:
     """Represents a 2K Mixminion header"""
     def __init__(self, contents):
+        """Initialize a new header from its contents"""
         self.contents = contents
     def __getitem__(self, i):
@@ -99,16 +95,17 @@
     def __getslice__(self, i, j):
-        """header[i] -> str
+        """header[i:j] -> str
            Returns a slice of the i-j'th subheaders of this header."""
         if j > 16: j = 16
-        if i < 0: i=16+i
-        if j < 0: j=16+j
+        if i < 0: i += 16
+        if j < 0: j += 16 
         return self.contents[i*ENC_SUBHEADER_LEN:
     def __len__(self):
+        """Return the number of subheaders in this header (always 16)"""
         return 16
 # A subheader begins with: a major byte, a minor byte, SECRET_LEN secret
@@ -117,9 +114,7 @@
 def parseSubheader(s):
-    """parseSubheader(s) -> Subheader
-       Converts a decoded Mixminion subheader into a Subheader object"""
+    """Convert a decoded Mixminion subheader into a Subheader object"""
     if len(s) < MIN_SUBHEADER_LEN:
         raise ParseError("Header too short")
     if len(s) > MAX_SUBHEADER_LEN:
@@ -136,7 +131,7 @@
     return Subheader(major,minor,secret,digest,rt,ri,rlen)
 def getTotalBlocksForRoutingInfoLen(bytes):
-    """Returns the number of subheraders that will be needed for a hop
+    """Return the number of subheaders that will be needed for a hop
        whose routinginfo is (bytes) long."""
     if bytes <= MAX_ROUTING_INFO_LEN:
         return 1
@@ -157,11 +152,12 @@
     def __init__(self, major, minor, secret, digest, routingtype,
                  routinginfo, routinglen=None):
+        """Initialize a new subheader"""
         self.major = major
         self.minor = minor
         self.secret = secret
         self.digest = digest
-        if routinglen == None:
+        if routinglen is None:
             self.routinglen = len(routinginfo)
             self.routinglen = routinglen
@@ -175,25 +171,25 @@
                 "routinglen=%(routinglen)r)")% self.__dict__
     def setRoutingInfo(self, info):
-        """Changes the routinginfo, and the routinglength to correspond."""
+        """Change the routinginfo, and the routinglength to correspond."""
         self.routinginfo = info
         self.routinglen = len(info)
     def isExtended(self):
-        """Returns true iff the routinginfo is too long to fit in a single
+        """Return true iff the routinginfo is too long to fit in a single
         return self.routinglen > MAX_ROUTING_INFO_LEN
     def getNExtraBlocks(self):
-        """Returns the number of extra blocks that will be needed to fit
+        """Return the number of extra blocks that will be needed to fit
            the routinginfo."""
         return getTotalBlocksForRoutingInfoLen(self.routinglen)-1
     def appendExtraBlocks(self, data):
-        """appendExtraBlocks(str)
-           Given additional (decoded) blocks of routing info, adds them
-           to the routinginfo of this object."""
+        """Given a string containing additional (decoded) blocks of
+           routing info, add them to the routinginfo of this
+           object.
+        """
         nBlocks = self.getNExtraBlocks()
         assert len(data) == nBlocks * ENC_SUBHEADER_LEN
         raw = [self.routinginfo]
@@ -203,7 +199,7 @@
         self.routinginfo = ("".join(raw))[:self.routinglen]
     def pack(self):
-        """Returns the (unencrypted) string representation of this Subhead.
+        """Return the (unencrypted) string representation of this Subhead.
            Does not include extra blocks"""
         assert self.routinglen == len(self.routinginfo)
@@ -216,9 +212,7 @@
                            self.routinglen, self.routingtype)+info
     def getExtraBlocks(self):
-        """getExtraBlocks() -> [ str, ...]
-           Returns a list of (unencrypted) blocks of extra routing info."""
+        """Return a list of (unencrypted) blocks of extra routing info."""
         if not self.isExtended():
             return []
@@ -234,17 +228,51 @@
             return result
-#FFFF We don't have an interchange format for these yet, so there's no way
-#FFFF to parse or unparse 'em.
+def parseReplyBlock(s):
+    """Return a new ReplyBlock object for an encoded reply block"""
+    if len(s) < MIN_RB_LEN:
+        raise ParseError("Reply block too short")
+    try:
+        magic, major, minor, timestamp, header, rlen, rt = \
+               struct.unpack(RB_UNPACK_PATTERN, s[:MIN_RB_LEN])
+    except struct.error:
+        raise ParseError("Misformatted reply block")
+    if magic != 'SURB':
+        raise ParseError("Misformatted reply block")
+    if major != 0x01 or minor != 0x00:
+        raise ParseError("Unrecognized version on reply block")
+    ri = s[MIN_RB_LEN:]
+    if len(ri) != rlen:
+        raise ParseError("Misformatted reply block")
+    return ReplyBlock(header, timestamp, rt, ri)
 class ReplyBlock:
     """A mixminion reply block, including the address of the first hop
-       on the path, and a ServerInfo for the server."""
-    def __init__(self, header, addr):
+       on the path, and the RoutingType and RoutingInfo for the server."""
+    def __init__(self, header, useBy, rt, ri):
+        """Construct a new Reply Block."""
         self.header = header
-        self.addr = addr
+        self.timestamp = useBy
+        self.routingType = rt
+        self.routingInfo = ri
+    def pack(self):
+        """Returns the external representation of this reply block"""
+        return struct.pack(RB_UNPACK_PATTERN,
+                           "SURB", 0x01, 0x00, self.timestamp,
+                           self.header, len(self.routingInfo),
+                           self.routingType)+self.routingInfo
 def _packIP(s):
-    """Helper method: converts a dotted-decimal IPv4 address into a
+    """Helper method: convert a dotted-decimal IPv4 address into a
        four-byte encoding.  Raises ParseError if the input is not a
        dotted quad of 0..255"""
     addr = s.split(".")
@@ -259,7 +287,7 @@
     return struct.pack("!BBBB", *addr)
 def _unpackIP(s):
-    """Helper method: convers a four-byte IPv4 address into a dotted quad."""
+    """Helper method: convert a four-byte IPv4 address into a dotted quad."""
     if len(s) != 4: raise ParseError("Malformed IP")
     return ".".join(map(str, struct.unpack("!BBBB", s)))
@@ -268,9 +296,7 @@
 IPV4_PAT = "!4sH%ds" % DIGEST_LEN
 def parseIPV4Info(s):
-    """parseIP4VInfo(s) -> IPV4Info
-       Converts routing info for an IPV4 address into an IPV4Info object,
+    """Converts routing info for an IPV4 address into an IPV4Info object,
        suitable for use by FWD or SWAP_FWD modules."""
     if len(s) != 4+2+DIGEST_LEN:
         raise ParseError("IPV4 information with wrong length")
@@ -287,17 +313,19 @@
        Fields: ip (a dotted quad), port (an int from 0..65535), and keyinfo
        (a digest)."""
     def __init__(self, ip, port, keyinfo):
-        assert 0<=port<=65535
+        """Construct a new IPV4Info"""
+        assert 0 <= port <= 65535
         self.ip = ip
         self.port = port
         self.keyinfo = keyinfo
     def pack(self):
+        """Return the routing info for this address"""
         assert len(self.keyinfo) == DIGEST_LEN
         return struct.pack(IPV4_PAT, _packIP(self.ip), self.port, self.keyinfo)
 def parseSMTPInfo(s):
-    """Converts the encoding of an SMTP routinginfo into an SMTPInfo object."""
+    """Convert the encoding of an SMTP routinginfo into an SMTPInfo object."""
     lst = s.split("\000",1)
     if len(lst) == 1:
         return SMTPInfo(s,None)
@@ -313,13 +341,14 @@
         self.tag = tag
     def pack(self):
+        """Returns the wire representation of this SMTPInfo"""
         if self.tag != None:
             return self.email+"\000"+self.tag
             return self.email
 def parseLocalInfo(s):
-    """Converts the encoding of an LOCAL routinginfo into an LocalInfo
+    """Convert the encoding of an LOCAL routinginfo into an LocalInfo
     lst = s.split("\000",1)
     if len(lst) == 1:
@@ -337,6 +366,7 @@
         self.tag = tag
     def pack(self):
+        """Return the external representation of this routing info."""
         if self.tag:
             return self.user+"\000"+self.tag

Index: PacketHandler.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/PacketHandler.py,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- PacketHandler.py	24 Jun 2002 20:28:19 -0000	1.2
+++ PacketHandler.py	25 Jun 2002 11:41:08 -0000	1.3
@@ -22,9 +22,7 @@
        an exist handler."""
     def __init__(self, privatekey, hashlog):
-        """PacketHandler(privatekey, hashlog)
-           Constructs a new packet handler, given a private key object for
+        """Constructs a new packet handler, given a private key object for
            header encryption, and a hashlog object to prevent replays.
            A sequence of private keys may be provided, if you'd like the
@@ -32,16 +30,17 @@
            though: this slows down the packet handler a lot.
         # ???? Any way to support multiple keys in protocol?
-        if type(privatekey) in (type(()), type([])):
+        try:
+            # Check whether we have a key or a tuple of keys.
+            _ = privatekey[0]
             self.privatekey = privatekey
-        else:
+        except:
             self.privatekey = (privatekey, )
         self.hashlog = hashlog
     def processMessage(self, msg):
-        """ph.processMessage(msg)
-           Given a 32K mixminion message, processes it completely.
+        """Given a 32K mixminion message, processes it completely.
            Returns one of:
                     None [if the mesesage should be dropped.
@@ -64,17 +63,17 @@
         msg = Packet.parseMessage(msg)
         header1 = Packet.parseHeader(msg.header1)
-        # Try to decrypt the first subheader.
-        enc_subh = header1[0]
+        # Try to decrypt the first subheader.  Try each private key in
+        # order.  Only fail if all private keys fail.
         subh = None
-        err = None
+        e = None
         for pk in self.privatekey:
-                subh = Crypto.pk_decrypt(enc_subh, pk)
-            except Crypto.CryptoError, e:
-                err = e
+                subh = Crypto.pk_decrypt(header1[0], pk)
+            except Crypto.CryptoError, err:
+                e = err
         if not subh:
-            raise err
+            raise e
         subh = Packet.parseSubheader(subh)
         # Check the version: can we read it?
@@ -82,8 +81,7 @@
             raise ContentError("Invalid protocol version")
         # Check the digest: is it correct?
-        digest = Crypto.sha1(header1[1:])
-        if digest != subh.digest:
+        if subh.digest != Crypto.sha1(header1[1:]):
             raise ContentError("Invalid digest")
         # Get ready to generate message keys.

Index: Queue.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/Queue.py,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- Queue.py	24 Jun 2002 20:28:19 -0000	1.1
+++ Queue.py	25 Jun 2002 11:41:08 -0000	1.2
@@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
    Facility for a fairly secure, directory-based, unordered queue.
-import os, base64, time, stat
+import os
+import base64
+import time
+import stat
 from mixminion.Common import MixError, MixFatalError, secureDelete
 from mixminion.Crypto import AESCounterPRNG
@@ -97,7 +100,7 @@
         messages = [fn for fn in os.listdir(self.dir) if fn.startswith("msg_")]
         n = len(messages)
-        if count == None:
+        if count is None:
             count = n
             count = min(count, n)

Index: benchmark.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/benchmark.py,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -d -r1.6 -r1.7
--- benchmark.py	24 Jun 2002 20:28:19 -0000	1.6
+++ benchmark.py	25 Jun 2002 11:41:08 -0000	1.7
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
     nones = [None]*iters
     if ov:
         overhead = loop_overhead.get(iters, None)
-        if overhead == None:
+        if overhead is None:
             overhead = loop_overhead[iters] = timeit_((
                 lambda:(lambda:None)()), iters, 0)
@@ -94,12 +94,12 @@
 def cryptoTiming():
     print "#==================== CRYPTO ======================="
-    print "SHA1 (short)", timeit((lambda : sha1(short)), 100000)
-    print "SHA1 (64b)", timeit((lambda : sha1(s64b)), 100000)
-    print "SHA1 (2K)", timeit((lambda : sha1(s2K)), 10000)
-    print "SHA1 (8K)", timeit((lambda : sha1(s8K)), 10000)
-    print "SHA1 (28K)", timeit((lambda : sha1(s28K)), 1000)
-    print "SHA1 (32K)", timeit((lambda : sha1(s32K)), 1000)
+    print "SHA1 (short)", timeit((lambda: sha1(short)), 100000)
+    print "SHA1 (64b)", timeit((lambda: sha1(s64b)), 100000)
+    print "SHA1 (2K)", timeit((lambda: sha1(s2K)), 10000)
+    print "SHA1 (8K)", timeit((lambda: sha1(s8K)), 10000)
+    print "SHA1 (28K)", timeit((lambda: sha1(s28K)), 1000)
+    print "SHA1 (32K)", timeit((lambda: sha1(s32K)), 1000)
     shakey = "8charstr"*2
     print "Keyed SHA1 for lioness (28K, unoptimized)", timeit(
@@ -147,11 +147,11 @@
     c = AESCounterPRNG()
     print "aesprng.getInt (10)", \
-          timeit((lambda c=c : c.getInt(10)), 10000)
+          timeit((lambda c=c: c.getInt(10)), 10000)
     print "aesprng.getInt (1000)", \
-          timeit((lambda c=c : c.getInt(1000)), 10000)
+          timeit((lambda c=c: c.getInt(1000)), 10000)
     print "aesprng.getInt (513)", \
-          timeit((lambda c=c : c.getInt(513)), 10000)
+          timeit((lambda c=c: c.getInt(513)), 10000)
     lkey = Keyset("keymaterial foo bar baz").getLionessKeys("T")
     print "lioness E (1K)", timeit((
@@ -216,7 +216,9 @@
     print "Timing overhead: %s...%s" % (timestr(min(o)),timestr(max(o)))
-import tempfile, os, stat
+import tempfile
+import os
+import stat
 def hashlogTiming():
     print "#==================== HASH LOGS ======================="
@@ -242,20 +244,20 @@
     for hash in hashes:
     t = time()-t
-    print "Add entry (up to %s entries)" %load, timestr( t/float(load) )
+    print "Add entry (up to %s entries)" %load, timestr(t/float(load))
     t = time()
     for hash in hashes[0:1000]:
     t = time()-t
-    print "Check entry [hit] (%s entries)" %load, timestr( t/1000.0 )
+    print "Check entry [hit] (%s entries)" %load, timestr(t/1000.0)
     hashes =[ prng.getBytes(20) for _ in xrange(1000) ]
     t = time()
     for hash in hashes:
     t = time()-t
-    print "Check entry [miss] (%s entries)" %load, timestr( t/1000.0 )
+    print "Check entry [miss] (%s entries)" %load, timestr(t/1000.0)
     hashes =[ prng.getBytes(20) for _ in xrange(1000) ]
     t = time()
@@ -263,7 +265,7 @@
     t = time()-t
-    print "Check entry [miss+add] (%s entries)" %load, timestr( t/1000.0 )
+    print "Check entry [miss+add] (%s entries)" %load, timestr(t/1000.0)
     size = 0
@@ -283,15 +285,16 @@
     print "#================= BUILD MESSAGE ====================="
     pk = pk_generate()
     payload = ("Junky qoph flags vext crwd zimb."*1024)[:22*1024]
-    serverinfo = [ ServerInfo("", 48099, pk_get_modulus(pk),
-                              "x"*20) ] * 16
+    serverinfo = [ServerInfo("", 48099, pk_get_modulus(pk),"x"*20)
+                  ] * 16
     def bh(np,it, serverinfo=serverinfo):
         ctr = AESCounterPRNG()
         tm = timeit_(
               lambda np=np,it=it,serverinfo=serverinfo,ctr=ctr:
                          _buildHeader(serverinfo[:np], ["Z"*16]*np,
-                                        99, "Hello", ctr), it )
+                                        99, "Hello", ctr), it)
         print "Build header (%s)" %(np), timestr(tm)
@@ -335,13 +338,13 @@
                                    [server, server], [server, server])
     print "Server process (no swap, no log)", timeit(
-        lambda sp=sp, m_noswap=m_noswap : sp.processMessage(m_noswap), 100)
+        lambda sp=sp, m_noswap=m_noswap: sp.processMessage(m_noswap), 100)
     m_swap = buildForwardMessage("Hello world", SMTP_TYPE, "f@invalid",
                                  [server], [server, server])
     print "Server process (swap, no log)", timeit(
-        lambda sp=sp, m_swap=m_swap : sp.processMessage(m_swap), 100)
+        lambda sp=sp, m_swap=m_swap: sp.processMessage(m_swap), 100)
 def timeEfficiency():
@@ -414,7 +417,7 @@
                                    [server, server], [server, server])
     sp_ns = timeit_(
-        lambda sp=sp, m_noswap=m_noswap : sp.processMessage(m_noswap), 100)
+        lambda sp=sp, m_noswap=m_noswap: sp.processMessage(m_noswap), 100)
     expected = rsa_128b+sha1_hdr+sha1_key*5+aes_2k+lioness_28k+prng_128b
     expected += lioness_2k
@@ -435,7 +438,8 @@
-from mixminion.Common import secureDelete, installSignalHandlers, waitForChildren
+from mixminion.Common import secureDelete, installSignalHandlers, \
+     waitForChildren
 def fileOpsTiming():
     print "#================= File ops ====================="

Index: test.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/test.py,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -d -r1.7 -r1.8
--- test.py	24 Jun 2002 20:28:19 -0000	1.7
+++ test.py	25 Jun 2002 11:41:08 -0000	1.8
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@
         eq(msg, pk_decrypt(pk_encrypt(msg, k1024),k1024))
         eq(msg, pk_decrypt(pk_encrypt(msg, pub1024),k1024))
-        # Make sure that CH_OAEP(RSA( )) inverts pk_encrypt.
+        # Make sure that CH_OAEP(RSA()) inverts pk_encrypt.
         eq(msg, _ml.check_oaep_padding(
                     k512.crypt(pk_encrypt(msg,k512), 0, 0),
                     mixminion.Crypto.OAEP_PARAMETER, 64))
@@ -313,9 +313,9 @@
         left = plain[:20]
         right = plain[20:]
-        right = ctr_crypt( right, sha1(key1+left+key1)[:16] )
+        right = ctr_crypt(right, sha1(key1+left+key1)[:16])
         left  = strxor(left, sha1(key2+right+key2))
-        right = ctr_crypt( right, sha1(key3+left+key3)[:16] )
+        right = ctr_crypt(right, sha1(key3+left+key3)[:16])
         left  = strxor(left, sha1(key4+right+key4))
         key = (key1,key2,key3,key4)
@@ -331,9 +331,9 @@
         eq(s("aBar")[:16], k.get("Bar"))
         z19 = "\x00"*19
-        eq( (s("aBaz"),               x(s("aBaz"), z19+"\x01"),
-             x(s("aBaz"),z19+"\x02"), x(s("aBaz"), z19+"\x03") ),
-            k.getLionessKeys("Baz"))
+        eq((s("aBaz"),               x(s("aBaz"), z19+"\x01"),
+            x(s("aBaz"),z19+"\x02"), x(s("aBaz"), z19+"\x03")),
+           k.getLionessKeys("Baz"))
     def test_aesprng(self):
         # Make sure that AESCounterPRNG is really repeatable.
@@ -462,6 +462,7 @@
         self.failUnlessRaises(ParseError, parseIPV4Info, ri[:-1])
         self.failUnlessRaises(ParseError, parseIPV4Info, ri+"x")
     def test_smtpinfolocalinfo(self):
         for _class, _parse, _key in ((SMTPInfo, parseSMTPInfo, 'email'),
@@ -486,6 +487,15 @@
             self.assertEquals(inf.tag, "xyzzy\x00plover")
             self.assertEquals(inf.pack(), ri)
+    def test_replyblock(self):
+        r = ("SURB\x01\x00"+"\x00\x00\x00\x00"+("Z"*2048)+"\x00\x0A"+"\x00\x01"
+             +("F"*10))
+        rb = parseReplyBlock(r)
+        self.assertEquals(rb.timestamp, 0)
+        self.assertEquals(rb.header, "Z"*2048)
+        self.assertEquals(rb.routingType, 1)
+        self.assertEquals(rb.routingInfo, "F"*10)
+        self.assertEquals(r, rb.pack())
 from mixminion.HashLog import HashLog
@@ -635,8 +645,8 @@
         retsecrets = []
         retinfo = []
-        if secrets == None:
-            secrets = [ None ] * len(pks)
+        if secrets is None:
+            secrets = [None] * len(pks)
         self.assertEquals(len(head), mixminion.Packet.HEADER_LEN)
         for pk, secret, rt, ri in zip(pks, secrets,rtypes,rinfo):
             subh = mixminion.Packet.parseSubheader(pk_decrypt(head[:128], pk))
@@ -683,9 +693,9 @@
     def test_extended_routinginfo(self):
         bhead = BuildMessage._buildHeader
-        secrets = ["9"*16 ]
+        secrets = ["9"*16]
         longStr = "Foo"*50
-        head = bhead([self.server1 ], secrets, 99, longStr, AESCounterPRNG())
+        head = bhead([self.server1], secrets, 99, longStr, AESCounterPRNG())
         pks = (self.pk1,)
         rtypes = (99,)
         rinfo = (longStr,)
@@ -826,20 +836,20 @@
                                (FWD_TYPE, 99),
                                 "Goodbye") ),
-                             "Hello" )
+                             "Hello")
         m = bfm(payload, 99, "Goodbye",
-                [self.server1, ],
-                [self.server3, ])
+                [self.server1,],
+                [self.server3,])
                              ( (self.pk1,), None,
-                               (SWAP_FWD_TYPE, ),
-                               ( self.server3.getRoutingInfo().pack(), ) ),
-                             ( (self.pk3, ), None,
+                               (SWAP_FWD_TYPE,),
+                               (self.server3.getRoutingInfo().pack(),) ),
+                             ( (self.pk3,), None,
                                ("Goodbye",) ),
-                             "Hello" )
+                             "Hello")
     def test_buildreply(self):
         brb = BuildMessage.buildReplyBlock
@@ -848,8 +858,8 @@
         ## Stateful reply blocks.
         reply, secrets = \
-             brb([ self.server3, self.server1, self.server2,
-                   self.server1, self.server3 ],
+             brb([self.server3, self.server1, self.server2,
+                  self.server1, self.server3],
                  SMTPInfo("no-such-user@invalid", None).pack())
         pks_1 = (self.pk3, self.pk1, self.pk2, self.pk1, self.pk3)
@@ -858,7 +868,7 @@
-        self.assert_(reply.addr == self.server3)
+        self.assert_(reply.routingInfo == self.server3.getRoutingInfo().pack())
         m = brm("Information?",
                 [self.server3, self.server1],
@@ -877,8 +887,8 @@
         ## Stateless replies
-        reply = bsrb([ self.server3, self.server1, self.server2,
-                       self.server1, self.server3 ],
+        reply = bsrb([self.server3, self.server1, self.server2,
+                      self.server1, self.server3],
                      "fred", "Galaxy Far Away.", 0)
         sec,(loc,) = self.do_header_test(reply.header, pks_1, None,
@@ -888,11 +898,11 @@
         seed = ctr_crypt(loc[len(s):], "Galaxy Far Away.")
         prng = AESCounterPRNG(seed)
-        self.assert_(sec == [ prng.getBytes(16) for _ in range(5)])
+        self.assert_(sec == [ prng.getBytes(16) for _ in range(5) ])
         ## Stateless reply, no user key (trusted server)
-        reply = bsrb([ self.server3, self.server1, self.server2,
-                       self.server1, self.server3 ],
+        reply = bsrb([self.server3, self.server1, self.server2,
+                      self.server1, self.server3],
                      "fred", None)
         sec,(loc,) = self.do_header_test(reply.header, pks_1, None,
@@ -900,7 +910,7 @@
         seed = loc[len(s):]
         prng = AESCounterPRNG(seed)
-        self.assert_(sec == [ prng.getBytes(16) for _ in range(5)])
+        self.assert_(sec == [ prng.getBytes(16) for _ in range(5) ])
 # Having tested BuildMessage without using PacketHandler, we can now use
@@ -1020,7 +1030,7 @@
         server1X = ServerInfo("", 1, pk_get_modulus(self.pk1), "X"*20)
         class _packable:
             def pack(self): return "x"*200
-        server1X.getRoutingInfo = lambda _packable=_packable : _packable()
+        server1X.getRoutingInfo = lambda _packable=_packable: _packable()
         m = bfm("Z", LOCAL_TYPE, "hello\000bye",
                 [self.server2, server1X, self.server3],
@@ -1044,9 +1054,9 @@
         # Even duplicate secrets need to go.
         prng = AESCounterPRNG(" "*16)
-        reply1,s = brb([self.server1], SMTP_TYPE, "fred@invalid",prng)
+        reply1,s = brb([self.server1], SMTP_TYPE, "fred@invalid",0,prng)
         prng = AESCounterPRNG(" "*16)
-        reply2,s = brb([self.server2], LOCAL_TYPE, "foo",prng)
+        reply2,s = brb([self.server2], LOCAL_TYPE, "foo",0,prng)
         m = brm("Y", [self.server3], reply1)
         m2 = brm("Y", [self.server3], reply2)
         q, (a,m) = self.sp3.processMessage(m)
@@ -1189,8 +1199,8 @@
         queue1 = Queue(self.d1, create=1)
         queue2 = Queue(self.d2, create=1)
-        handles = [ queue1.queueMessage("Sample message %s" % i)
-                    for i in range(100) ]
+        handles = [queue1.queueMessage("Sample message %s" % i) 
+                   for i in range(100)]
         hdict = {}
         for i in range(100): hdict[handles[i]] = i
         self.assertEquals(queue1.count(), 100)
@@ -1208,7 +1218,7 @@
         q2h = []
         for h in handles[:30]:
-            q2h.append( queue1.moveMessage(h, queue2) )
+            q2h.append(queue1.moveMessage(h, queue2))
         from string import atoi
         seen = {}
@@ -1295,7 +1305,7 @@
 class MMTPTests(unittest.TestCase):
     def testBlockingTransmission(self):
         server, listener, messagesIn = _getMMTPServer() 
-        messages = [ "helloxxx"*4096, "helloyyy"*4096 ]
+        messages = ["helloxxx"*4096, "helloyyy"*4096]
         t = threading.Thread(None,
@@ -1313,7 +1323,7 @@
     def testNonblockingTransmission(self):
         server, listener, messagesIn = _getMMTPServer() 
-        messages = [ "helloxxx"*4096, "helloyyy"*4096 ]
+        messages = ["helloxxx"*4096, "helloyyy"*4096]
         async = mixminion.MMTPServer.AsyncServer()
         clientcon = mixminion.MMTPServer.MMTPClientConnection(
             _getTLSContext(0), "", TEST_PORT, None, messages[:], None)