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Re: Tweep going offline temporarily

On Thu, Nov 24, 2005 at 10:56:10AM -0500, Roy M. Silvernail wrote:
> I'm relocating at the end of the year, so Tweep will have to go offline
> for a while.  I'll be shutting Tweep down after Xmas.  What's the best
> procedure to make sure I've flushed any pending traffic?

I'm having the directory disrecommend Tweep.  You shouldn't get any
new paths, though people may have made reply blocks routed through
Tweep.  Before you shut down, edit your configuration to use the
"timed" mix pool algorithm, a fairly low interval (say, 10 minutes),
and a fairly aggressive retry policy (say, "every 10 minutes for 3
hours, every 2 hours for 36 hours".)  This should flush everything
that can be flushed.

Nick Mathewson

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