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RE: More thoughts on From: lines

Peter wrote:
> No charsets different than US-ASCII?
> So it will not be possible to send MIME mail?

The current thinking that came out of the BoF calls for a canonical MIME
transformation engine to be written that removes any identifying
information from MIME code generated by the user's MUA's MIME engine
before sending out the MIME message.

(As I voiced at the BoF, I believe that code that makes it impossible to
tell which MUA was used to create the email without negatively impacting
data the user intended to send will not be written during the lifetime
of the mixminion project. IMHO, if mixminion wants to support MIME
semi-securely it will need to ship with its own MUA. Which would cost
mixminion users, since users want to use the MTA that they are used to.
Of course I would be happy to be proven wrong on either point.

Unfortunately, even including an MTA won't protect users from the fact
that many documents created on Windows contain the full path name where
the document is stored. As some may know, it is a fun sport to look at
Word documents released by politicians in Washington to determine which
lobbying group actually wrote the document for that particular Senator.
Finding strings such as "F:\MPAA\DCOFFICE\SENATE\" and similar has no
been unheard of. ;)
