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Re: More thoughts on From: lines

On Wed, Feb 26, 2003 at 09:12:29AM -0800, Lucky Green wrote:
> Len wrote:
> > Is there any reason not to continue to permit nym servers to 
> > directly deliver mail? I can't think of one.
> If the decision has been made (has it?) that all outbound email from
> nyms must use a nym server as the exit hop, the requirement for
> mixminion nodes to support configurable Subject: lines goes away
> entirely and instead becomes a requirement on the nym server.

Does it?  Will only people using nyms then be allowed to make their
exitting messages easily distinguishable from possibly myriad others
(mailing lists, newsgroups, etc)?

Michael A. Gurski             (opt. [firstname].)[lastname]@pobox.com
Hail Eris! -><- All Hail Discordia!  O-  http://www.pobox.com/~[lastname]
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My opinions are mine alone, even if you should be sharing them.

"We divided the world into 'us' and 'them. There is no 'them' left on
our tiny planet."  --Marilyn Rea

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