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Re: More thoughts on From: lines

On Wed, Feb 26, 2003 at 10:14:17AM -0800, Lucky Green wrote:
> I believe that waiting for code to sanitize user-provided attachments
> would delay mixminion indefinitely. As I mentioned in an earlier email,
> I don't even believe it feasible to hide the MUA (or OS) once MIME
> generated outside of the mixminion system is permitted. (Windows is
> going to kill you here...)

Are there differences in MIME encoding for different MUAs, or just the
content boundary delimiters?  If it's the latter, I can see a
demime/remime (or just straight re-write) that could happen at the
last hop.  It's probably not solvable if it's the former, at least
with existing MUAs.

> The moment the system permits user-provided non-textual attachments,
> users' anonymity will be compromised en-masse. I have no opinion if that
> fact warrant the conclusion to not include support for such attachments
> in the system given the otherwise negative impact on adoption.

My opinion would be "warn the users that attachments could compromise
their anonymity".  I suspect that a determined user will find some way
to attach data, even if the system officially disallows attachments.
In the world today, I don't think most people would be willing to use
a system where they couldn't use attachments of some sort.

> I suppose the question is: is it better to have a large number of users
> and have some of these user's anonymity be compromised without their
> knowing? Or it is better to have a limited number of users who are
> unlikely to see their anonymity compromised without their knowing? I
> guess time will tell.

I think if users are educated about the possible anonymity
compromises, they can make their own decisions on the matter.  Instead
of attaching v-cards, or Word docs that might have identifying info,
the ones truly concerned would likely disable v-cards, and maybe
print-and-scan, or export docs to text and attach those.  Or, as Peter
mentioned elsewhere, track down tools to sanitize their documents
before attaching.  But definitely, plugins or documentation should
warn users that what they're doing might conceivably allow them to be

Michael A. Gurski             (opt. [firstname].)[lastname]@pobox.com
Hail Eris! -><- All Hail Discordia!  O-  http://www.pobox.com/~[lastname]
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