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I'm playing with code for a basic mixminion pinger. Before I get too far with it I'd like to get some thoughts from everyone else. It's possible I'm going about this all wrong and I'd prefer to find out sooner rather than later 8)

First, for how pings are done. Basically I plan to send a message through the chain '$server,sushi' where $server is each server listed from `mixminion list-servers` except sushi. I'm leaving sushi out because, well, I'm sushi.

If there's a better way to do that I'd love to hear it.

For how the stats will be presented, I'm open to suggestions. I'm partial to xml myself, something like
<server name="foo">
<day n="0" sent="20" received="18" latency="30:34" />
<day n="-1" sent="20" received="18" latency="30:34" />

Also a html version for people to look at would probably be nice. Again, I'm open to suggestions.
