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Re: pinger

On Tue, 2004-01-20 at 09:54, Bryan L. Fordham wrote:
> I'm playing with code for a basic mixminion pinger.  Before I get too 
> far with it I'd like to get some thoughts from everyone else.  It's 
> possible I'm going about this all wrong and I'd prefer to find out 
> sooner rather than later 8)
> First, for how pings are done.  Basically I plan to send a message 
> through the chain '$server,sushi' where $server is each server listed 
> from `mixminion list-servers` except sushi.  I'm leaving sushi out 
> because, well, I'm sushi.
> If there's a better way to do that I'd love to hear it.

Do you want to go quick-and-dirty, or do-the-right-thing?  Keep in mind
that, at some future date, Mixminion will probably grow built-in pinging
functionality.  (So personally, I'd recommend quick&dirty.)

If you *do* want to do the right thing, you should probably scout out
the literature before plugging in.  First, read all the echolot
documentation, and make Peter tell you what he thinks is wrong with
echolot.  Then you'll probably want to read at least the following
papers to get a handle on how hard and interesting the "pinging" problem
(or family of problems) really is:


And check out George & Len's neat scheme in the following, to see why at
least a certain form of pinging should maybe go into the mixminion
server itself:



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