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Re: POboxes mixminion server
Joel M. Baldwin wrote:
I don't see that POboxes has a general problem.
I DO see that it is having problems chaining through specific systems.
These are systems that on <http://privacy.outel.org/minion/clist2a.html>
you see chains aren't being returned, yet on
you see that grove CAN ping.
The problem is not that PoBoxes - cside is unreliable. It is that this pair
of nodes NEVER succeed in a transfer. They actually connect and handshake to
establish a connection and then fail to transfer packets. Since cside can
connect to all the other nodes it tries (when they are up) and that PoBoxes
shows the same behaviour with 3 nodes points to the problem being at the
PoBoxes end.
Nick has been looking at logs from both cside and PoBoxes, but his time is
rather occupied with other stuff at the moment I think.
Colin Tuckley | colin@xxxxxxxxxxx | PGP/GnuPG Key Id
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