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Re: your mail

On Thu, Jul 14, 2005 at 02:31:06PM -0700, auto43348@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> I would like to participate in the mixminion project and am working 
> on getting a server running on my box.  I am running XP and am 
> connected via a dynamic IP.  I am behind a linksys router/firewall. 
>  The output from stdout is below.
> 1.  In the .conf file there are two fields for entering the 
> address.  One specified that the IP itself is necessary and the 
> second allows you to put in the dns name.  I have read in the 
> archives that v.0.0.7 should have dynamic DNS support.  Is this 
> possible yet? or must I wait for .0.0.8?  Is it still in the works?

No, everything is fine.  The problem is that when 0.0.7 was released,
there were still some clients running 0.0.6, so 0.0.7 needed to
include a hostname *and* an IP address.

What you need to do is set 'IP' to your external IP address (whatever
it is right now), set Hostname to your dynamic DNS hostname, and set
'ListenIP' to (meaning, "listen on interfaces").

> 2. I have opened port 48099 for TCP (port forward), is there 
> anything else I need to do for just being a middleman?  (ISP blocks 
> port 25)

Nope; you should be fine with that.

> 3.  I was going to use pgp -w for the shred function.  But had a 
> bit of trouble with it and eventually created a .cmd script, but it 
> still doesn't like it.  It seems like pgp maybe has a return code 
> or something which it doesn't like.

Well, if you don't specify a shred function at all, Mixminion will
just overwrite files on its own.

Hoping this helps,
Nick Mathewson

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