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Re: Dynamic IP

On Thu, 2003-06-26 at 06:23, marcoc1@dada.it wrote:
> I performed a more-or-less mixminion installation,
>  sent some messages and waiting for one of them 
>  arriwing.
> In the meantime, two question
> 1) I'm on a dynamic IP with two network board;
>  can I replace IP with hostname in the IP field ? 

No -- right now, there is no support for mixes with IPs that change
regularly.  That should come some time around version 0.0.6 or 0.0.7.

If your IP changes infrequently (once every few months), you should be

> 2) May I publish the server without fear of damage
>  the network.

You can always try!  If it doesn't work out, the scripts I have set up
will notice that your server isn't working, and take it off the


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