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More directory problems

I found a couple of problems while testing nymbaron,
 that suggest problem on mixminion directory and/or
 on several established nodes

See below: the first is a "server not found" that
 is marked OK in the directory

mixmaster@yavin:~$  mixminion send -t marcoc@xxxxxxx -P
Mixminion version
This software is for testing purposes only.  Anonymity is not
Nov 09 15:28:32.778 +0100 [WARN] Directory /home is writable by group
staff (mode 775)
Nov 09 15:28:32.823 +0100 [WARN] This software is newer than any version
on the recommended list.
Nov 09 15:28:32.824 +0100 [ERROR] No valid server found with name
mixmaster@yavin:~$ mixminion list-servers|grep geonosis
Mixminion version
This software is for testing purposes only.  Anonymity is not
Nov 09 15:29:01.464 +0100 [WARN] Directory /home is writable by group
staff (mode 775)
Nov 09 15:29:01.502 +0100 [WARN] This software is newer than any version
on the recommended list.
geonosis:smtp relay     (ok)

The second is: "expired certificate" on another OK server

marcoc@ordmantell:~$ mixminion send -t marcoc@xxxxxxx -P
Mixminion version
This software is for testing purposes only.  Anonymity is not
Nov 09 15:23:10.001 +0100 [WARN] Directory /home is writable by group
staff (mode 775)
Nov 09 15:23:10.068 +0100 [WARN] This software is newer than any version
on the recommended list.
Enter your message now.  Type Ctrl-D when you are done.
prova  mixminion send -t marcoc@xxxxxxx -P "antani,dantooine,antani"

Nov 09 15:23:25.681 +0100 [INFO] Generating payload(s)...
Nov 09 15:23:25.681 +0100 [WARN] Unrecognized zlib version: '1.2.2'.
Spot-checking output
Nov 09 15:23:25.689 +0100 [INFO] Selected path is
Nov 09 15:23:25.736 +0100 [INFO] Packet queued
Nov 09 15:23:25.737 +0100 [INFO] Connecting...
Nov 09 15:23:26.378 +0100 [WARN] Certificate error: Invalid certificate
from 'antani' at serverone.firenze.linux.it:48099 (fd 3): Certificate
has expired. Shutting down connection.
Nov 09 15:23:26.478 +0100 [INFO] Error while delivering packets; leaving
1/1 in queue
Nov 09 15:23:26.479 +0100 [INFO] Error was: Error occurred while
delivering packets to 'antani' atserverone.firenze.linux.it:48099

"Mala tempora currunt"  ?

Any suggestion.   Ciao.   Marco


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| il Progetto Winston Smith: scolleghiamo il Grande Fratello |
| the Winston Smith Project: unplug the Big Brother          |
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+ PGP RSA: ED84 3839 6C4D 3FFE 389F 209E 3128 5698 ----------+

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part