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Re: Directory too optimistic ???

On Sat, 2005-11-05 at 13:11 +0000, Colin Tuckley wrote: 
> Marco A. Calamari wrote:
> > After some test I found that current mixminion directory
> >  lists all remailer as OK, including brain dead ones like
> >  pbox2 or temporary offline ones as geonosis.
> > 
> > All remailer in dir are OK; this seems to me impossible.
> > 
> > I'm wrong ?
> The definition of OK as far as the Dir Server is concerned is that they
> respond to pings - this doesn't mean that they can actually process
> messages. Nick was going to work on it when he got some time.

AFAIK, pbox2, as example, now is back to his primary duty, videogames
 behind a NAT. It cannot answer any kind of ping, and cannot answer 
 to the tcp port 48099. In fact I just verified this

IMHO there are several nodes in this condition, and this is very
 bad for the mixminion network reliability.

I know that noreply stat say it is up, but this is not true
 and outel stat corectly say it is not.

But the infomation coming from directory that all node are up
is statistically impossible. In fact this never happened until

If I'm wrong I cannot understand why ?

FWIW.   Marco

> Colin


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