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Re: [tor-bugs] #10569 [TorBrowserButton]: Tor Browser's Private Browsing Mode breaks sites.

#10569: Tor Browser's Private Browsing Mode breaks sites.
     Reporter:  mttp     |      Owner:  mikeperry
         Type:  defect   |     Status:  new
     Priority:  normal   |  Milestone:
    Component:           |    Version:
  TorBrowserButton       |   Keywords:  tbb-usability-website tbb-helpdesk-
   Resolution:           |  frequent
Actual Points:           |  Parent ID:
       Points:           |

Comment (by joebt):

 //While the unseen.is case is interesting it is no failure of our Private
 Browsing Mode either it seems.//

 May not be entirely true.  Yes, like lots of sites, you can't login Unseen
 w/o cookies.  But, w/o cookies in TBB, the home page displays blank
 https://unseen.is.  And when it happens,  I don't see the msg (from
 Firefox 24 ESR), saying ~ "can't load page - possibly because cookies are
 disabled," the way that regular Fx does.

 Regular browsers w/o cookies enabled (IIRC) fail to load that page - but
 cookies aren't usually "permanently disabled" in regular browsers.  I'm
 not suggesting TBB cookies always be enabled by default - just that it be
 made easier to permit cookies for select sites - but not globally.  And if
 it's decided that cookies definitely shouldn't be enabled (don't know why,
 but...), then tell users up front.

 Another topic for another ticket, but lately I've also seen more sites
 fail to load or key functions not fully work, due to NoScript.  Even if
 everything from the visited domain is temporarily or permanently allowed.
 My guess is, sites are getting __tired of losing $__, from all the privacy
 enhancing browsers, addons, etc., blocking 3rd parties & other "unkosher"
 things the sites themselves want to do.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/10569#comment:11>
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