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Re: [tor-bugs] #10569 [TorBrowserButton]: Tor Browser's Private Browsing Mode breaks sites.

#10569: Tor Browser's Private Browsing Mode breaks sites.
     Reporter:  mttp     |      Owner:  mikeperry
         Type:  defect   |     Status:  new
     Priority:  normal   |  Milestone:
    Component:           |    Version:
  TorBrowserButton       |   Keywords:  tbb-usability-website tbb-helpdesk-
   Resolution:           |  frequent
Actual Points:           |  Parent ID:
       Points:           |

Comment (by joebt):

 Adding to comment on Unseen.is & cookies:
 Obviously can't login w/o cookies.  But UNchecking "don't record browsing
 history..." in Torbutton, apparently isn't enough to allow even 1st party

 Unchecking that TBB option (for me) doesn't add a check in the Fx ESR
 Options > Privacy box, "Accept cookies from Sites."  Which is good & bad.
 Unchecking that Torbutton option doesn't  allow any & all sites to set
 cookies, but if that Fx: Options > "allow cookies" box is not also
 checked, you can't login (possibly not display) sites that require cookies
 - that I've tried.

 So, TBB makes it cumbersome to turn on / off allowing cookies (maybe by
 But to use TBB to login, it also forces users to allow cookies from ALL
 sites - at least temporarily.

  * Users are likely to get confused, cranky when allowing cookies for one
 trusted site takes several steps. Perhaps modify how options changed in
 Torbutton changes associated Fx options. Or add new Torbutton option(s),
 marked clearly for what they do.
  * E.G., new Torbutton option to enable (1st party) cookies, that also
 changes 3rd party cookies option to "Never."
  * Users are likely to forget cookies are enabled (no warning), allowing
 all sites to set them - not just one trusted site.
  * When allowing cookies, users are likely to forget to change "__Allow
 3rd party cookies__" to "'''Never'''."
  * Using a cookie manager extension may make handling cookies a bit easier
 (or not), but official position is don't use extensions. Good advice, but
 I find it very cumbersome in TBB to enable cookies for 1 or 2 sites, then
 disable them again, then re-enable them... w/o using some cookie manager.
 Yes, it'd be great if all (reputable) sites worked w/o cookies.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/10569#comment:12>
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