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[tor-commits] [translation/snowflakeaddon-messages.json] https://gitweb.torproject.org/translation.git/commit/?h=snowflakeaddon-messages.json
commit 344f718dd5aa8a761abf9b049aee13a50ee926b1
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu Jul 30 18:45:55 2020 +0000
kk/messages.json | 86 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 86 insertions(+)
diff --git a/kk/messages.json b/kk/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ebd5328875
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kk/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ "appDesc": {
+ "message": "Snowflake - TorR Ò¯Ñ?Ñ?н WebRTC Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?малданаÑ?Ñ?н көлÑ?к."
+ },
+ "popupEnabled": {
+ "message": "Ò?оÑ?Ñ?лÒ?ан"
+ },
+ "popupLearnMore": {
+ "message": "ТолÑ?Ò? оÒ?Ñ?"
+ },
+ "popupStatusOff": {
+ "message": "Snowflake Ó©Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?лÑ?"
+ },
+ "popupStatusOn": {
+ "message": "Ò?азÑ?Ñ?гÑ? Ñ?аÒ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?а Ò?оÑ?Ñ?лÒ?ан Ò?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?лаÑ? Ñ?анÑ?:$1"
+ },
+ "popupStatusReady": {
+ "message": "СÑ?здÑ?Ò£ Snowflake Ò?олданÑ?Ñ?Ñ?лаÑ?Ñ?Ò£Ñ?зÒ?а Ñ?ензÑ?Ñ?адан аÑ?Ñ?лÑ?Ò?а көмекÑ?еÑ?Ñ?ге дайÑ?н"
+ },
+ "popupWebRTCOff": {
+ "message": "WebRTC мүмкÑ?ндÑ?гÑ? анÑ?Ò?Ñ?алмадÑ?."
+ },
+ "popupBridgeUnreachable": {
+ "message": "Ð?өпÑ?Ñ?ге Ò?оÑ?Ñ?лÑ? мүмкÑ?н болмадÑ?."
+ },
+ "popupDescOn": {
+ "message": "Snowflake Ò?олданÑ?Ñ?Ñ?лаÑ?Ñ?Ò£Ñ?здÑ?Ò£ Ñ?анÑ? Ñ?оңÒ?Ñ? 24 Ñ?аÒ?аÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?нде Ñ?ензÑ?Ñ?анÑ? болдÑ?Ñ?маÑ?Ò?а көмекÑ?еÑ?Ñ?Ñ?:$1"
+ },
+ "popupRetry": {
+ "message": "Ò?айÑ?алаÑ?"
+ },
+ "popupRetrying": {
+ "message": "Ò?айÑ?аланÑ?да..."
+ },
+ "badgeCookiesOff": {
+ "message": "Cookie Ñ?айлдаÑ?Ñ? Ò?оÑ?Ñ?лмаÒ?ан."
+ },
+ "websiteIntro": {
+ "message": "Snowflake - бұл инÑ?еÑ?неÑ? Ñ?ензÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?н жеңеÑ?Ñ?н жүйе. ЦензÑ?Ñ?аÒ?а Ò±Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аÒ?ан адамдаÑ? инÑ?еÑ?неÑ?ке кÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ò¯Ñ?Ñ?н Snowflake Ò?олдана аладÑ?. Ð?лаÑ?дÑ?Ò£ байланÑ?Ñ?Ñ? еÑ?Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?леÑ? баÑ?Ò?аÑ?аÑ?Ñ?н Snowflake пÑ?окÑ?и-баÒ?даÑ?ламалаÑ?Ñ? аÑ?Ò?Ñ?лÑ? Ó©Ñ?едÑ?. Snowflake Ò?алай жұмÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ейÑ?Ñ?нÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ? Ñ?олÑ?Ò?Ñ?Ñ?аÒ? аÒ?паÑ?аÑ? алÑ? Ò¯Ñ?Ñ?н бÑ?здÑ?Ò£ <a href=\"https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/Snowflake/\" data-msgid=\"__MSG_docWiki__\">Ò?ұжаÑ?Ñ?амалÑ?Ò? викидÑ?</a> Ò?аÑ?аңÑ?з"
+ },
+ "docWiki": {
+ "message": "Ò?ұжаÑ?Ñ?амалÑ?Ò? вики"
+ },
+ "browser": {
+ "message": "Ð?Ñ?аÑ?зеÑ?"
+ },
+ "censoredUsers": {
+ "message": "Ð?геÑ? Ñ?Ñ?здÑ?Ò£ инÑ?еÑ?неÑ?Ñ?Ò£Ñ?з Ñ?ензÑ?Ñ?аÒ?а Ò±Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?а, Ñ?Ñ?зге <a href=\"https://www.torproject.org/download/\">Tor Browser-Ñ?н</a> оÑ?наÑ?Ñ? Ò?ажеÑ?."
+ },
+ "extension": {
+ "message": "Ð?еңейÑ?Ñ?"
+ },
+ "installExtension": {
+ "message": "Ð?геÑ? Ñ?Ñ?здÑ?Ò£ инÑ?еÑ?неÑ?Ñ?Ò£Ñ?з Ñ?ензÑ?Ñ?аÒ?а <strong>Ò±Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?амаÒ?ан</strong> болÑ?а, Ñ?ензÑ?Ñ?аланÒ?ан желÑ?леÑ?дегÑ? пайдаланÑ?Ñ?Ñ?лаÑ?Ò?а көмекÑ?еÑ?Ñ? Ò¯Ñ?Ñ?н Snowflake кеңейÑ?Ñ?мÑ?н оÑ?наÑ?Ñ?дÑ? Ò?аÑ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? кеÑ?ек. СÑ?здÑ?Ò£ пÑ?окÑ?и-Ñ?еÑ?веңÑ?з аÑ?Ò?Ñ?лÑ? адамдаÑ? Ò?ай веб-Ñ?айÑ?Ò?а кÑ?Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?ндÑ?гÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ? алаңдамаÑ?дÑ?Ò£ Ò?ажеÑ?Ñ? жоÒ?. Ð?лаÑ?дÑ?Ò£ көÑ?Ñ?неÑ?Ñ?н IP мекен-жайÑ? Ñ?Ñ?здÑ?Ò£ емеÑ?, Tor Ñ?Ñ?Ò?Ñ? Ñ?үйÑ?нÑ?не Ñ?Ó?йкеÑ? келедÑ?."
+ },
+ "installFirefox": {
+ "message": "Firefox-Ñ?а оÑ?наÑ?Ñ?Ò£Ñ?з"
+ },
+ "installChrome": {
+ "message": "Chrome-да оÑ?наÑ?Ñ?Ò£Ñ?з"
+ },
+ "reportingBugs": {
+ "message": "Reporting Bugs"
+ },
+ "fileBug": {
+ "message": "If you encounter problems with Snowflake as a client or a proxy, please consider filing a bug. To do so, you will have to,"
+ },
+ "sharedAccount": {
+ "message": "Either <a href=\"https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/register\">create an account</a> or <a href=\"https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/login\">log in</a> using the shared <b>cypherpunks</b> account with password <b>writecode</b>."
+ },
+ "bugTracker": {
+ "message": "<a href=\"https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/newticket?component=Circumvention%2FSnowflake\">File a ticket</a> using our bug tracker."
+ },
+ "descriptive": {
+ "message": "Please try to be as descriptive as possible with your ticket and if possible include log messages that will help us reproduce the bug. Consider adding keywords <em>snowflake-webextension</em> or <em>snowflake-client</em> to let us know how which part of the Snowflake system is experiencing problems."
+ },
+ "embed": {
+ "message": "Embed"
+ },
+ "possible": {
+ "message": "It is now possible to embed the Snowflake badge on any website:"
+ },
+ "looksLike": {
+ "message": "Which looks like this:"
+ }
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