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[tor-commits] [translation/torbutton-torbuttondtd] Update translations for torbutton-torbuttondtd

commit bb60173e61be2b2a8f4313a6322f59346310fdb8
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu Sep 29 12:46:34 2016 +0000

    Update translations for torbutton-torbuttondtd
 ro/torbutton.dtd | 14 +++++++-------
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ro/torbutton.dtd b/ro/torbutton.dtd
index 7b8321f..a1af9a5 100644
--- a/ro/torbutton.dtd
+++ b/ro/torbutton.dtd
@@ -25,17 +25,17 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.saveAllCookies "Protejeaza Cookie-urile noi">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.doNotSaveAllCookies "Nu proteja Cookie-urile noi">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.priv_caption "ConfigurÄ?ri de intimitate">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.priv_caption_tooltip "When checked, the following settings help to keep your identity and browsing history private. We strongly recommend that you keep all privacy boxes checked for normal Tor Browser use.">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.priv_caption_tooltip "DacÄ? sunt bifate, urmÄ?toarele setÄ?ri ajutÄ? la protejarea identitÄ?È?ii tale È?i a istoricului de navigare. RecomandÄ?m menÈ?inerea tuturor cÄ?suÈ?elor referitoare la confidenÈ?ialitate bifate pentru utilizarea normalÄ? a browser-ului Tor.">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.block_disk "Don't record browsing history or website data (enables Private Browsing Mode)">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.block_disk_tooltip "Keep this box checked to avoid saving sensitive data to disk, including the browser cache, your browsing history, the cookie database, your download history, intermediate TLS certificates, and permissions you have granted to websites.">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.block_disk_tooltip "MenÈ?ine bifarea acestei cÄ?suÈ?e pentru a evita salvarea informaÈ?iilor sensibile pe disc, inclusiv cache-ul browser-ului, istoricul tÄ?u de navigare, baza de date de cookies, istoricul de descÄ?rcÄ?ri, certificate intermediare TLS È?i permisiuni oferite de tine pentru anumite pagini.">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.restrict_thirdparty "Restrict third party cookies and other tracking data">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.restrict_thirdparty_tooltip "Keep this box checked to prevent various browser features from being abused to track you as you browse the web. Modified features include blob URLs, broadcast channels, the browser cache, cookies, favicons, HTTP Auth headers, link preconnects, localStorage, mediaSource URLs, OCSP requests, SharedWorkers, and TLS session tickets.">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.restrict_thirdparty_tooltip "MenÈ?ine bifarea acestei cÄ?suÈ?e pentru a preveni ca anumite caracteristici ale browser-ului sÄ? fie folosite abuziv, pentru a te urmÄ?ri în timp ce navighezi pe web. Caracteristici modificate incluc URL-uri blob, canale de transmisie, cache-ul browser-ului, cookies, favicons, header HTTP Auth, link preconnects, localStorage, URL-uri mediaSource, solicitÄ?ri OCSP, SharedWorkers È?i tichete de sesiuni TLS.">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.block_plugins "Disable browser plugins (such as Flash)">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.block_plugins_tooltip "Keep this box checked to stop all binary plugins from being loaded. Plugins are a serious privacy risk because they can leak your browsing history or otherwise make you easy to track.">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.block_plugins_tooltip "MenÈ?ine bifarea acestei cÄ?suÈ?e pentru a opri încÄ?rcarea tuturor puling-urilor binare. Plugin-urile reprezintÄ? un risc semnificativ din punct de vedere al confidenÈ?ialitÄ?È?ii, dat fiind cÄ? pot oferi informaÈ?ii despre istoricul de navigare sau te pot face uÈ?or de urmÄ?rit.">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.resist_fingerprinting "Change details that distinguish you from other Tor Browser users">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.resist_fingerprinting_tooltip "Keep this box checked to hide things from websites that could be unique about you, including your battery status, computer performance, keyboard layout, locale, the location of installed plugins, the list of installed plugins, your network status, screen orientation, screen size, site-specific zoom levels, supported file types, system colors, and WebGL capabilities.">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.resist_fingerprinting_tooltip "MenÈ?ine bifarea acestei cÄ?suÈ?e pentru a ascunde anumite informaÈ?ii de pagini web care ar putea sÄ? fie unice pentru tine, inclusiv stadiul bateriei, performanÈ?a computerului, configuraÈ?ia tastaturii, locaÈ?ia, locaÈ?ia plugin-urilor instalate, lista plugin-urilor instalate, stadiul reÈ?elei tale, orientarea ecranului, mÄ?rimea ecranului, trepte de zoom specifice unei anumite pagini, tipuri de fiÈ?iere suportate, culorile sistemului È?i capacitÄ?È?ile WebGL.">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_caption "Nivel securitate">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_caption_tooltip "The Security Slider lets you disable certain browser features that may make your browser more vulnerable to hacking attempts.">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_caption_tooltip "OpÈ?iunea Security Slider îÈ?i permite sÄ? dezactivezi anumite caracteristici ale browser-ului care îÈ?i fac browser-ul mai vulnerabil în faÈ?a unor tentative de hacking.">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_low "ScÄ?zut (implicit)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_low_usable_desc "Aceasta asigurÄ? cea mai utilizabilÄ? experienÈ?Ä?.">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_low_desc "La acest nivel de securitate, toate funcÈ?iile navigatorului sunt activate.">
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_mathml_desc "Anumite mecanisme de afiÈ?are ecuaÈ?ii matematice sunt dezactivate.">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_mathml_desc_tooltip "MathML este dezactivat.">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_med_high "Mediu-înalt">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_all_jit_desc "On sites where JavaScript is enabled, performance optimizations are disabled.">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_all_jit_desc "Sunt dezactivate optimizÄ?ri de performanÈ?Ä? pe pagini unde JavaScript este activat.">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_font_rend_desc "Anumite caracteristici de expunere fonturi sunt dezactivate.">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_font_rend_graphite_tooltip "Mecanismul de expunere fonturi Graphite este dezactivat.">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_svg_desc "Unele tipuri de imagini sunt dezactivate.">

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