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[tor-commits] [translation/tsum] Update translations for tsum

commit 98960b832fd56fc932b9398735858d24ce8449c3
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sun Jun 2 11:15:11 2013 +0000

    Update translations for tsum
 si_LK/short-user-manual_si_LK_noimg.xhtml |    6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/si_LK/short-user-manual_si_LK_noimg.xhtml b/si_LK/short-user-manual_si_LK_noimg.xhtml
index 52e5d86..5c254ca 100644
--- a/si_LK/short-user-manual_si_LK_noimg.xhtml
+++ b/si_LK/short-user-manual_si_LK_noimg.xhtml
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
     <p>Tor ම��න� �බ�� �න�ද�න� න�ර�ණ�ම�� �රන �තර �ය ම��න� �බ �� Tor ජ�ලය �තර ��යල� ද� ����තනය �රය�. Tor ජ�ලය ත�ල �න�ද�න�ද Tor ����න� ����තනය �රන� ලබන �තර �නම�ද� ����න �මන�න�තය �� Tor ජ�ලය �තර �න�ද�න� ����තනය න��රන� ල�බ�. </p>
     <p>�බ ����ද� ත�රත�ර� �න�න���දනය �රය� නම� , �ද��රණය�� ල�� �බ යම� ��බ� �ඩ��ය�ට පර���ල� න�මය�� �� ම�රපදය�� භ���තය�න� ල��� ��ම�ද�  �බ HTTPS භ���ත� �රන බ� ත���ර� �ර �න�න(e.g. <strong>https</strong>://torproject.org/, not <strong>http</strong>://torproject.org/).</p>
     <h2 id="how-to-download-tor">Tor භ��ත �රන�න� ����ද </h2>
-    <p>The bundle we recommend to most users is the <a href="https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html";>Tor Browser Bundle</a>. This bundle contains a browser preconfigured to safely browse the Internet through Tor, and requires no installation. You download the bundle, extract the archive, and start Tor.</p>
-    <p>There are two different ways to get hold of the Tor software. You can either browse to the <a href="https://www.torproject.org/";>Tor Project website</a> and download it there, or you can use GetTor, the email autoresponder.</p>
+    <p>à¶?පà·? භà·?à·?à·?තà·? à¶?රනà·?නට à¶?නà·?මත à¶?රන à¶?ටà·?ටලය à·?නà·?නà·?<a href="https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html";>Tor බà·?â??රà·?à·?à·?ර à¶?ටà·?ටලය</a>. මà·?ම à¶?ටà·?ටලය තà·?ල පà·?ර à·?à·?නà·?â??යà·?à¶?ත බà·?â??රà·?à·?à·?රයà¶?à·? à¶?ඩà¶?à¶?à·? à·?න à¶?තර à¶?යට à·?à·?ථà·?පනය à¶?à·?රà·?මà¶?à·? à¶?à·?à·?à·?â??ය නà·?ත. à¶?බ à¶?ම à¶?ටà·?ටලය භà·?à¶?ත à¶?රà¶?à·?න à·?à¶?රà¶?à·?à·?à·?ත දà·? à¶?පà·?ටà·? Tor à¶?රමà·?භ à¶?රනà·?න.</p>
+    <p>තà·?à·?à¶?à·?ලà·?à¶?à·? Tor නà·?à·?à·?තà·?à·?à·?ය à·?à·?à¶?à·? à¶?à¶?à·?ර දà·?à¶?à¶?à·? පà·?තà·?. à¶?බට Tor à·?à·?â??යà·?පà·?තà·? à·?à·?බà·? පà·?ටà·?à·?ට පà·?à·?à·?à·?. <a href="https://www.torproject.org/";>Tor à·?à·?â??යà·?පà·?තà·? à·?à·?බà·? පà·?ටà·?à·?</a> භà·?à¶?ත à¶?ර à¶?තà·?à·?à¶?. à¶?à·?à·? නà·?මà·?තà·? නමà·? GetTor, à·?à·?දà·?â??යà·?තà·? ලà·?පà·? à·?à·?à·?යà¶?à¶?à·?â??රà·?ය පà·?â??රතà·?චà·?රà¶?ය භà·?à·?à·?තà·? à¶?ල à·?à·?à¶?.</p>
     <h3 id="how-to-get-tor-via-email">à·?à·?දà·?â??යà·?තà·? ලà·?පà·? à·?රà·?à·? Tor ලබනà·?නà·? à¶?à·?à·?à·?ද </h3>
-    <p>To receive the English Tor Browser Bundle for Windows, send an email to gettor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx with <strong>windows</strong> in the body of the message. You can leave the subject blank.</p>
+    <p>à¶?à¶?à¶?à·?â??රà·?à·?à·? Tor  බà·?â??රà·?à·?à·?ර à¶?ටà·?ටලය Windows à·?දà·?à·? ලබà·? à¶?à·?නà·?මට, à·?à·?දà·?â??යà·?තà·? ලà·?පà·?යà¶?à·? යà·?මà·? à¶?රනà·?න gettor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx à·?à·?ත <strong>windows</strong> ලà·?à·? පණà·?à·?à·?ඩයà·? බද à¶?à·?ටà·?à·? à·?ටà·?නà·? à¶?රනà·?න. à·?à·?දà·?â??යà·?තà·? ලà·?පà·?යà·? නම ලà·?à·? à¶?à·?à·?à·?à·?à¶?à·? à·?ටà·?නà·? à¶?ල යà·?තà·? නà·?ත.</p>
     <p>You can also request the Tor Browser Bundle for Mac OS X (write <strong>macos-i386</strong>), and Linux (write <strong>linux-i386</strong> for 32-bit systems or <strong>linux-x86_64</strong> for 64-bit systems).</p>
     <p>If you want a translated version of Tor, write <strong>help</strong> instead. You will then receive an email with instructions and a list of available languages.</p>
     <p><strong>Note</strong>: The Tor Browser Bundles for Linux and Mac OS X are rather large, and you will not be able to receive any of these bundles with a Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo account. If you cannot receive the bundle you want, send an email to help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and we will give you a list of website mirrors to use.</p>

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