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[tor-commits] [translation/support-portal] https://gitweb.torproject.org/translation.git/commit/?h=support-portal

commit db52e76bf01d941baec62db559d98768b2ab0ce6
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed Oct 9 04:53:14 2019 +0000

 contents+tr.po | 44 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 37 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contents+tr.po b/contents+tr.po
index 0b8183c30..4aeeed2df 100644
--- a/contents+tr.po
+++ b/contents+tr.po
@@ -847,12 +847,12 @@ msgstr ""
 #: https//support.torproject.org/about/how-is-tor-different-from-other-proxies/
 #: (content/about/how-is-tor-different-from-other-proxies/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
 msgid "### Doesn't the first server see who I am?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "### Birinci sunucu kim olduÄ?umu bilemez mi?"
 #: https//support.torproject.org/about/how-is-tor-different-from-other-proxies/
 #: (content/about/how-is-tor-different-from-other-proxies/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
 msgid "Possibly."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Olabilir."
 #: https//support.torproject.org/about/how-is-tor-different-from-other-proxies/
 #: (content/about/how-is-tor-different-from-other-proxies/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -860,22 +860,27 @@ msgid ""
 "A bad first of three servers can see encrypted Tor traffic coming from your "
 msgstr ""
+"Maalesef üç sunucunun ilki bilgisayarınızdan Å?ifrelenmiÅ? Tor verilerinin "
+"geldiÄ?ini görebilir."
 #: https//support.torproject.org/about/how-is-tor-different-from-other-proxies/
 #: (content/about/how-is-tor-different-from-other-proxies/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
 msgid "It still doesn't know who you are and what you are doing over Tor."
 msgstr ""
+"Bununla birlikte kim olduÄ?unuzu ve Tor üzerinde ne yaptıÄ?ınızı bilemez."
 #: https//support.torproject.org/about/how-is-tor-different-from-other-proxies/
 #: (content/about/how-is-tor-different-from-other-proxies/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
 msgid "It merely sees \"This IP address is using Tor\"."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tek bilebileceÄ?i \"Bu IP adresi Tor kullanıyor\" olur."
 #: https//support.torproject.org/about/how-is-tor-different-from-other-proxies/
 #: (content/about/how-is-tor-different-from-other-proxies/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
 msgid ""
 "Tor is not illegal anywhere in the world, so using Tor by itself is fine."
 msgstr ""
+"Tor uygulamasını kullanmak dünya üzerinde hiç bir yerde kanun dıÅ?ı deÄ?ildir."
+" Bu nedenle yalnız Tor kullanmakta sorun yoktur."
 #: https//support.torproject.org/about/how-is-tor-different-from-other-proxies/
 #: (content/about/how-is-tor-different-from-other-proxies/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -883,27 +888,30 @@ msgid ""
 "You are still protected from this node figuring out both who you are and "
 "where you are going on the Internet."
 msgstr ""
+"Hala, kim olduÄ?unuz ve Ä°nternet üzerinde nereye baktıÄ?ınız gibi  bilgilerin "
+"bu durak tarafından öÄ?renilmesine karÅ?ı korunmuÅ? olursunuz."
 #: https//support.torproject.org/about/how-is-tor-different-from-other-proxies/
 #: (content/about/how-is-tor-different-from-other-proxies/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
 msgid "### Can't the third server see my traffic?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "### �çüncü sunucu verilerimi göremez mi?"
 #: https//support.torproject.org/about/how-is-tor-different-from-other-proxies/
 #: (content/about/how-is-tor-different-from-other-proxies/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
 msgid "A bad third of three servers can see the traffic you sent into Tor."
 msgstr ""
+"Maalesef bu sunucuların üçüncüsü Tor aÄ?ına gönderdiÄ?iniz verileri görebilir."
 #: https//support.torproject.org/about/how-is-tor-different-from-other-proxies/
 #: (content/about/how-is-tor-different-from-other-proxies/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
 msgid "It won't know who sent this traffic."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ancak bu verileri kimin gönderdiÄ?ini bilemez."
 #: https//support.torproject.org/about/how-is-tor-different-from-other-proxies/
 #: (content/about/how-is-tor-different-from-other-proxies/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
 msgid ""
 "If you're using encryption (like HTTPS), it will only know the destination."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Å?ifreleme (HTTPS gibi) kullanıyorsanız yalnız hedefi bilebilir."
 #: https//support.torproject.org/about/how-is-tor-different-from-other-proxies/
 #: (content/about/how-is-tor-different-from-other-proxies/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -911,17 +919,21 @@ msgid ""
 "See this visualization of [Tor and HTTPS](/https/https-1/) to understand how"
 " Tor and HTTPS interact."
 msgstr ""
+"Buradaki [Tor ve HTTPS](/https/https-1/) görselleÅ?tirmesine bakarak Tor ile "
+"HTTPS etkileÅ?imini anlayabilirsiniz."
 #: https//support.torproject.org/about/no-data-scrubbing/
 #: (content/about/no-data-scrubbing/contents+en.lrquestion.title)
 msgid ""
 "Does Tor remove personal information from the data my application sends?"
 msgstr ""
+"Tor kullandıÄ?ım uygulamanın gönderdiÄ?i veriler içinden kiÅ?isel bilgilerimi "
+"siler mı?"
 #: https//support.torproject.org/about/no-data-scrubbing/
 #: (content/about/no-data-scrubbing/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
 msgid "No, it doesn't."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hayır, böyle bir Å?ey yapmaz."
 #: https//support.torproject.org/about/no-data-scrubbing/
 #: (content/about/no-data-scrubbing/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -929,6 +941,9 @@ msgid ""
 "You need to use a separate program that understands your application and "
 "protocol and knows how to clean or \"scrub\" the data it sends."
 msgstr ""
+"Bunun için, kullandıÄ?ınız uygulamayı ve iletiÅ?im kuralını tanıyan ve "
+"uygulama tarafından gönderilen verileri nasıl temizleyeceÄ?ini ya da "
+"deÄ?iÅ?tireceÄ?ini bilen ayrı bir uygulama kullanmanız gerekir."
 #: https//support.torproject.org/about/no-data-scrubbing/
 #: (content/about/no-data-scrubbing/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -936,12 +951,15 @@ msgid ""
 "Tor Browser tries to keep application-level data, like the user-agent "
 "string, uniform for all users."
 msgstr ""
+"Tor Browser, web tarayıcı sürümü gibi uygulama düzeyinde belirleyici "
+"bilgileri tüm kullanıcılar için aynı olacak Å?ekilde deÄ?iÅ?tirmeye çalıÅ?ır."
 #: https//support.torproject.org/about/no-data-scrubbing/
 #: (content/about/no-data-scrubbing/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
 msgid ""
 "Tor Browser can't do anything about text that you type into forms, though."
 msgstr ""
+"Tor Browser formlara yazdıÄ?ınız metinler ile ilgili hiç bir Å?ey yapamaz."
 #: https//support.torproject.org/about/what-is-tor/
 #: (content/about/what-is-tor/contents+en.lrquestion.title)
@@ -963,6 +981,14 @@ msgid ""
 " you visit, and it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical "
 "location. This set of volunteer relays is called the Tor network."
 msgstr ""
+"Tor uygulaması bilgisayarınızda çalıÅ?tırabileceÄ?iniz ve Ä°nternet üzerinde "
+"sizinle ilgili bilgilerin korunmasına yardımcı olan bir programdır. İnternet"
+" trafiÄ?i verilerinizi, dünyanın çeÅ?itli yerlerinde bulunan gönüllüler "
+"tarafından iÅ?letilen aktarıcılardan oluÅ?an bir aÄ? içinde dolaÅ?tırarak, "
+"Ä°nternet baÄ?lantınızın izlenmesinin önüne geçer ve hangi sitelere "
+"baktıÄ?ınız, hangi coÄ?rafi konumda bulunduÄ?unuz gibi bilgilerin öÄ?renilmesini"
+" engeller. Bu gönüllü aktarıcı noktalarının oluÅ?turduÄ?u yapıya Tor AÄ?ı "
 #: https//support.torproject.org/about/what-is-tor/
 #: (content/about/what-is-tor/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -971,6 +997,10 @@ msgid ""
 "Firefox that fixes many privacy issues. You can read more about Tor on our "
 "[about](https://www.torproject.org/about/history/) page."
 msgstr ""
+"Ã?oÄ?u insan Tor aÄ?ını, engellenen web sitelerine eriÅ?mek ve kim olduÄ?unun "
+"açıÄ?a çıkmasını engellemek için geliÅ?tirilmiÅ? bir Firefox sürümü olan Tor "
+"Browser uygulaması üzerinden kullanır. Tor hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi almak "
+"için [buraya bakabilirsiniz](https://www.torproject.org/about/history/)."
 #: https//support.torproject.org/about/what-is-tor/
 #: (content/about/what-is-tor/contents+en.lrquestion.description)

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