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(FWD) Re: Static compiling tor?

[Forwarding becuse Thomas isn't subscribed at this address. -RD]

----- Forwarded message from owner-or-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx -----

Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 11:23:41 +0200
From: Thomas Themel <thomas@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: or-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Static compiling tor?

Aron Homberg (info@xxxxxxxx) wrote on 2006-04-17:
> I'm developing an open source  java instant messenger.
> I had the idea, that my instant messenger client could 
> communicate over tor/tsocks with my instant messenger 
> server which is using the same technique. The instant 
> messenger server will provide a tor hidden service.

AFAIK the JAP project incorporates a tor client in Java. It would seem a
better fit to include/extend this instead of grafting a statically
linked C application onto your Java app.

[*Thomas  Themel*] Marco Budde <Budde@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
[extended contact] > Wieso ist C++ nicht C++?
[info provided in] C++ != C++ duerfte zumindest undefiniert sein...
[*message header*]  - André Pönitz zeigt uns Schwachstellen in ISO-C++

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