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Re: [tor-dev] GSoC Proposal: Relay Web Status Dashboard

> In 2011 Kamran made a Tor GTK interface for GSoC...


> This was pretty slick, but coupling two separate UIs in the same
codebase was messy and in this next arm release this UI is being
removed. This was the right technical decision back in 2011 since Stem
didn't exist at the time (so arm's torTools module was the only game
in town for thread safe, cached controller interactions). Nowadays
however we have a nice controller library we can take advantage of.
Anything a relay dashboard needs should either be in your service or
added to Stem.

Thanks for the feedback!  The scope of this project is much clearer to me now. I have made changes to the proposal based on this. Sorry my updates have been slow because i'm swamped with school work atm.

In TBB 3.6b1 on Mac OS, tor has been renamed to tor.real and tor is a shell script that execs tor.real.  See:

Ah I see, thanks for the clarification!

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 11:13 PM, Mark Smith <mcs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 4/1/14, 10:56 AM, Damian Johnson wrote:
Also, while snooping around the dev version of Arm, I've noticed a slight
glitch in the _get_controller method of __init__.py in arm.util :

   if not stem.util.system.is_running('tor.real'):

     raise ValueError(msg('connect.tor_isnt_running'))

(I'm running on osx) My tor process is named tor.real instead, hence, this
raises an error stating that tor isn't running although it is.

changing it to

  if not stem.util.system.is_running('tor.real'):

solves this problem. Is this an issue (because I'm not using a linux dist of
Tor) or am I doing something wrong on my end?

Interesting. Any idea why your tor process is being called 'tor.real'?
Is this something OSX related or is TBB naming its process that?

In TBB 3.6b1 on Mac OS, tor has been renamed to tor.real and tor is a shell script that execs tor.real.  See:

Mark Smith
Pearl Crescent

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