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[tor-dev] Summary of meek's costs, March 2015
Here's the summary of meek's CDN fees for March 2015. Earlier reports:
App Engine + Amazon + Azure = total by month
February 2014 $0.09 + -- + -- = $0.09
March 2014 $0.00 + -- + -- = $0.00
April 2014 $0.73 + -- + -- = $0.73
May 2014 $0.69 + -- + -- = $0.69
June 2014 $0.65 + -- + -- = $0.65
July 2014 $0.56 + $0.00 + -- = $0.56
August 2014 $1.56 + $3.10 + -- = $4.66
September 2014 $4.02 + $4.59 + $0.00 = $8.61
October 2014 $40.85 + $130.29 + $0.00 = $171.14
November 2014 $224.67 + $362.60 + $0.00 = $587.27
December 2014 $326.81 + $417.31 + $0.00 = $744.12
January 2015 $464.37 + $669.02 + $0.00 = $1133.39
February 2015 $650.53 + $604.83 + $0.00 = $1255.36
March 2015 $690.29 + $815.68 + $0.00 = $1505.97
total by CDN $2405.82 + $3007.42 + $0.00 = $5413.24 grand total
The number of simultaneous users was up again in March, reaching 2000
simultaneous users some days. The fluctuation between weekdays and
weekends was greater than we've seen before.
We moved something over 9 TB in March. We're getting close to where CDNs
start offering price breaks :/
== App Engine a.k.a. meek-google ==
At the end of February, I tried tweaking some performance parameters to
try and reduce instance hours. It seems like it worked, as instance
hours were down 31% as bandwidth was up 29%.
Here is how the Google costs broke down:
5316 GB $637.93
2173 instance hours $108.64
Compared to the previous month:
4114 GB $492.71
3226 instance hours $157.82
== Amazon a.k.a. meek-amazon ==
meek-amazon was up quite a bit compared to the previous month. Requests
were up 6% and bandwidth was up a whopping 42%. The big increases were
in the Asia Pacific (Singapore) region and EU (Ireland) region.
I think we're going to go ahead with removing meek-amazon from Tor
Browser. This will take a little bit of work--I'd like there to be a
blog post that explains how to set up your own Amazon instance if
meek-amazon is currently working for you. I also would like to try and
work out any performance issues with meek-azure in order to use it as a
Weirdly, there were over 24,000 plain HTTP requests from the US East
region. That is strange because meek is HTTPS-only. The number of HTTP
requests is still small compared to the 44,000,000 HTTPS requests
received from the same region, but it's far above other regions, which
have at most a few dozen HTTP requests.
Asia Pacific (Singapore) 171M requests $205.57 1433 GB $195.60
Asia Pacific (Sydney) 156K requests $0.20 1 GB $0.17
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) 10M requests $12.05 70 GB $9.07
EU (Ireland) 158M requests $190.03 1486 GB $118.34
South America (Sao Paulo) 3M requests $6.70 17 GB $4.03
US East (Northern Virginia) 44M requests $44.00 378 GB $29.92
total 386M requests $458.55 3385 GB $357.13
== Azure a.k.a. meek-azure ==
Estimated bandwidth use this month:
2015-03 737 GB
Compared to last month:
2015-02 614 GB
David Fifield

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