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Re: [tor-dev] Proposal 276: Report bandwidth with lower granularity in consensus documents

> On 1 Mar 2017, at 04:11, Nick Mathewson <nickm@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 6:42 AM, teor <teor2345@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi, Tim!
> This looks pretty plausible to me. Do you have time to write up a
> quick&dirty python function that actually performs the smoothing?

Well, it's a function, but it's not pretty, because it needs to know
all the consensus bandwidth values to find the percentile to do the

>  If
> so, I can test it out on the January consensuses and measure the
> impact on compressed diff sizes.

To generate a list of bandwidths, run:
cat cached-microdesc-consensus | grep ^w | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d" " -f1 > bandwidth_list

To generate a list of pairs:
bandwidth rounded_bandwidth

./bwround.py bandwidth_list

There's an alternative scheme available in the script, to use
it, comment out the line:
rounding_configs = excess_rounding

(The alternative scheme rounds the 99th percentile to 2 significant
figures rather than 3.)

I'd be interested in how each scheme performs.


Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)

teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
xmpp: teor at torproject dot org


import math
import bisect
import sys

# define error functions and midpoint functions

def error_ratio(mid, minmax):
    '''The ratio between the rounded value and the actual value
       | n / r(n) - 1 | 
    return abs(minmax / mid - 1.0)

def mid_min_error_ratio(l, h):
    '''Minimise the ratio between the rounded value and the actual value
    # if low is 0, map everything to 0
    if l == 0.0:
        return h
    return math.sqrt(l * h)

def error_difference(mid, minmax):
    '''The difference between the rounded value and the actual value
       | n - r(n) |
    return abs(minmax - mid)

def mid_min_difference(l, h):
    '''Minimise difference between the rounded value and the actual value
    return (l + h)/2.0

# define rounding table generation functions
def rounding_table(precision, geometric = True,
                   low = None, high = None, values = None):
    '''Create a table of geometric rounding values
    The number of distinct values is the same as that used to round to
    precision significant digits, or 9*10**(precision - 1)
    # we effectively round to a number of values corresponding to 'precision'
    # significant digits, but we need an extra digit of precision to accurately
    # capture the values around the low end
    precision += 1.0
    if low is None:
        low = math.pow(10.0, precision - 1.0)
        low = float(low)
    if high is None:
        high = low*10.0
        high = float(high)
    # Create the same number of values as there are in the existing scheme
    # (an appropriate midpoint function should be used to choose whether to
    # round to the lower or higher value)
    if values is None:
        values = int((high - low) / 10.0)
        values = int(values)
    assert values > 0
    bounds = [low, high]
    scale = (high-low)/values

    if values == 1:
        # use the values supplied: high is the lower bound of the next table
        bounds = [int(low), int(high)]
    elif not geometric:
        # alternative implementation: increase the values linerly between low
        # and high
        bounds = range(int(low), int(high)+1, scale)
        # increase the values geometrically between low and high
        step = math.pow(high/low, 1.0/values)
        #print step
        next = low/scale
        bounds = []
        while next <= (high/scale + 1.0):
            next *= step

        # round each bound to the nearest integer
        bounds = [int(round(b*scale, 0)) for b in bounds]

    # turns out we need this to calculate the midpoint
    # chop off the upper bound: it belongs to the next decile
    #if bounds[-1] == high:
    #    del bounds[-1]

    return bounds

# define analysis functions
midpoint = mid_min_error_ratio
tests = [error_ratio, error_difference]
def analyse_bounds_variance(bounds):
    '''Analyse the variance when rounding to the values in the bounds table
    print len(bounds)
    b_prev = None
    for b in bounds:
        comparison = "{:.0f}".format(b)
        if b_prev is not None:
            for test in tests:
                comparison += " {:.5f}".format(test(midpoint(b_prev, b), b))
        print comparison
        b_prev = b
    print bounds

def calculate_rounding_tables(configs, geometric = True):
    '''Calculate the set of rounding values for each config in configs
    for config in configs:
        table = rounding_table(config['precision'],
        config['table'] = table
        #print config

def get_rounding_config(configs, value, percentile):
    '''Return the relevant rounding config for value, which is at percentile
    # first, see if value corresponds to a config without a percentile
    for config in configs:
        if config.get('max_percentile') is None:
            if value >= config['min_value'] and value < config['max_value']:
                return config
    # now check the configs with a percentile
    for config in configs:
        if (config.get('max_percentile') is not None and
            config.get('min_percentile') is not None):
            if (percentile >= config['min_percentile'] and
                percentile < config['max_percentile']):
                return config
    # the table should be comprehensive
    assert False

def get_percentile_for_value(bandwidths, value):
    '''Given a list of bandwidths, find the percentile for value.
    # if there are several instances of value, choose the highest percentile
    idx = bisect.bisect_right(bandwidths,value)
    return (100.0 * idx) / len(bandwidths)

def get_closest_entries(table, value):
    '''Return the pair of table entries that are closest to value
    low = table[0]
    for high in table:
        if value >= low and value <= high:
            return (low, high)
        low = high
    assert False

def get_scale(table, value):
    '''Get the ratio required to scale value within table
    # find the bounds that we have to scale within
    tmin = table[0]
    tmax = table[-1]
    if tmin > 0.0:
        factor = tmax / tmin
        factor = tmax
    scale = 1.0
    while True:
        # prefer the lower end of the table
        if value / scale >= tmax:
            scale *= factor
        elif value / scale < tmin:
            scale /= factor
            return scale

def round_using_table(table, value, geometric = True):
    '''Round value according to table
    # choose the midpoint function
    if geometric:
        mp = mid_min_error_ratio
        mp = mid_min_difference
    scale = get_scale(table, value)
    #print scale
    (low, high) = get_closest_entries(table, value/scale)
    mid = mp(low, high)
    # if it's equal to the midpoint, choose the higher value
    if value/scale >= mid:
        return int(high*scale)
        return int(low*scale)

def round_value(bandwidths, rounding_configs, value):
    '''Round value based on its position in bandwidths and the relevent config
    percentile = get_percentile_for_value(bandwidths, value)
    config = get_rounding_config(rounding_configs, value, percentile)
    rounded = round_using_table(config['table'], value, geometric)
    #print config
    #print value, percentile, rounded
    return rounded

# define concrete rounding configs
# a table is used from its max_percentile to the next max_percentile of
# relay bandwidths, or for configs without a percentile, from [min_value, max_value)

# this rounding config has excess precision for the 99th percentile, because
# the input values are already rounded to 3 significant figures
excess_rounding = [
    # use 100.1 to include the 100th percentile
    { 'max_percentile': 100.1, 'min_percentile': 99.0, 'precision': 3 },
    { 'max_percentile':  99.0, 'min_percentile': 90.0, 'precision': 2 },
    { 'max_percentile':  90.0, 'min_percentile':  0.0, 'precision': 1 },
    # max_percentile: None is used for the tail end bandwidths 1 - 100
    { 'max_percentile':  None, 'min_percentile': None, 'precision': 0,
      'max_value': 100.0, 'min_value': 1.0, 'values': 3 },
    # anything below the tail rounds to itself (that is, 0 rounds to 0)
    { 'max_percentile':  None, 'min_percentile': None, 'precision': 0,
      'max_value':   1.0, 'min_value': 0.0, 'values': 1 },

# this rounding config should be highly compressible, but discards some
# information from the 99th percentile
basic_rounding = [
    # use 100.1 to include the 100th percentile
    { 'max_percentile': 100.1, 'min_percentile': 99.0, 'precision': 2 },
    { 'max_percentile':  99.0, 'min_percentile': 90.0, 'precision': 1 },
    { 'max_percentile':  90.0, 'min_percentile':  0.0, 'precision': 0,
      'values': 3 },
    # max_percentile: None is used for the tail end bandwidths 1 - 100
    { 'max_percentile':  None, 'min_percentile': None, 'precision': 0,
      'max_value': 100.0, 'min_value': 1.0, 'values': 3 },
    # anything below the tail rounds to itself (that is, 0 rounds to 0)
    { 'max_percentile':  None, 'min_percentile': None, 'precision': 0,
      'max_value':   1.0, 'min_value': 0.0, 'values': 1 },

geometric = True

rounding_configs = basic_rounding
rounding_configs = excess_rounding

calculate_rounding_tables(rounding_configs, geometric)

# create the bandwidths file using:
# cat cached-microdesc-consensus | grep ^w | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d" " -f1
bandwidths = []
with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as bandwidths_file:
    for line in bandwidths_file:

# round values supplied on the command line
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
# round values supplied on the command line
    for value in sys.argv[2:]:
        value = int(value)
        rounded = round_value(bandwidths, rounding_configs, value)
        print value, rounded
# round the entire file
    for value in bandwidths:
        value = int(value)
        rounded = round_value(bandwidths, rounding_configs, value)
        print value, rounded

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