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[tor-dev] how to simulate TOR network through chutney?


I Âneed to simulate TOR network in minimal case [1 ENTRY,1 RELAY,1 EXIT] node.
how can i do that use chutney? how to setup exit node on Âmy localhost and how to make circuit with that exit node?Â

following are my config file with generated (slightly modified) torc filesÂ

i use basic-min for configure.
############## basic-min##########################
Authority = Node(tag="a", authority=1, relay=1, torrc="authority.tmpl")
Relay = Node(tag="r", relay=1, torrc="relay.tmpl")
Client = Node(tag="c", torrc="client.tmpl")

NODES = Authority.getN(1) + Relay.getN(1) + Client.getN(1)

########################Authority-000a torc #########################
TestingTorNetwork 1
DataDirectory /home/chutney-master/net/nodes/000a
RunAsDaemon 1
ConnLimit 60
Nickname test000a
ShutdownWaitLength 0
PidFile /home/chutney-master/net/nodes/000a/pid
Log notice file /home/chutney-master/net/nodes/000a/notice.log
Log info file /home/chutney-master/net/nodes/000a/info.log
ProtocolWarnings 1
SafeLogging 0
DisableDebuggerAttachment 0
DirAuthority test000a orport=5000 no-v2 hs v3ident=32D2EB75473AB923F63D0D3C4B6929FC1BB658AE 1DB6AEADE945A2EE1722A203CFED30478D0C8C82

SocksPort 0
OrPort 5000
DirPort 7000
#NOTE: Setting TestingServerConsensusDownloadSchedule doesn't
# Â Â Âhelp -- dl_stats.schedule is not DL_SCHED_CONSENSUS
# Â Â Âat boostrap time.
#TestingServerDownloadSchedule 10, 2, 2, 4, 4, 8, 13, 18, 25, 40, 60

# This file is named "relay.tmpl" for compatibility with previous
# chutney versions

# An exit relay that can exit to IPv4 & IPv6 localhost
# (newer versions of tor need this to be explicitly configured)

# An exit policy that allows exiting to IPv4 localhost
ExitPolicy accept*

# An exit policy that allows exiting to IPv6 localhost
ExitPolicy accept [::1]:*
IPv6Exit 1

AuthoritativeDirectory 1
V3AuthoritativeDirectory 1
ContactInfo auth0@xxxxxxxxx
ExitPolicy accept *:80
ExitPolicy accept *:443
ExitPolicy reject *:*
TestingV3AuthInitialVotingInterval 300
TestingV3AuthInitialVoteDelay 20
TestingV3AuthInitialDistDelay 20
#TestingV3AuthVotingStartOffset 0

# Work around situations where the Exit and Guard flags aren't being set
# These flags are set eventually, but it takes ~30 minutes
# We could be more precise here, but it's easiest just to vote everything
# Clients are sensible enough to filter out Exits without any exit ports,Â
# and Guards without ORPorts
# If your tor doesn't recognise TestingDirAuthVoteExit, update your chutney
# to a version that includes the issue-13161-check-torrc-options features
#TestingDirAuthVoteExit *
#TestingDirAuthVoteGuard *

#####################Relay 001r torc ###############
TestingTorNetwork 1
DataDirectory /home/chutney-master/net/nodes/001r
RunAsDaemon 1
ConnLimit 60
Nickname test001r
ShutdownWaitLength 0
PidFile /home/chutney-master/net/nodes/001r/pid
Log notice file /home/chutney-master/net/nodes/001r/notice.log
Log info file /home/chutney-master/net/nodes/001r/info.log
ProtocolWarnings 1
SafeLogging 0
DisableDebuggerAttachment 0
DirAuthority test000a orport=5000 no-v2 hs v3ident=32D2EB75473AB923F63D0D3C4B6929FC1BB658AE 1DB6AEADE945A2EE1722A203CFED30478D0C8C82

SocksPort 0
OrPort 5001
DirPort 7001
#NOTE: Setting TestingServerConsensusDownloadSchedule doesn't
# Â Â Âhelp -- dl_stats.schedule is not DL_SCHED_CONSENSUS
# Â Â Âat boostrap time.
#TestingServerDownloadSchedule 10, 2, 2, 4, 4, 8, 13, 18, 25, 40, 60

# This file is named "relay.tmpl" for compatibility with previous
# chutney versions

# An exit relay that can exit to IPv4 & IPv6 localhost
# (newer versions of tor need this to be explicitly configured)

# An exit policy that allows exiting to IPv4 localhost
ExitPolicy accept*

# An exit policy that allows exiting to IPv6 localhost
ExitPolicy accept [::1]:*
IPv6Exit 1
ExitPolicy accept *:80
ExitPolicy accept *:443
ExitPolicy reject *:*

######################### client 002c torc ##########################
TestingTorNetwork 1
DataDirectory /home/chutney-master/net/nodes/002c
RunAsDaemon 1
ConnLimit 60
Nickname test002c
ShutdownWaitLength 0
PidFile /home/raboon/Thesis/chutney-master/net/nodes/002c/pid
Log notice file /home/chutney-master/net/nodes/002c/notice.log
Log info file /home/chutney-master/net/nodes/002c/info.log
ProtocolWarnings 1
SafeLogging 0
DisableDebuggerAttachment 0
DirAuthority test000a orport=5000 no-v2 hs v3ident=32D2EB75473AB923F63D0D3C4B6929FC1BB658AE 1DB6AEADE945A2EE1722A203CFED30478D0C8C82

SocksPort 9002
#NOTE: Setting TestingClientConsensusDownloadSchedule doesn't
# Â Â Âhelp -- dl_stats.schedule is not DL_SCHED_CONSENSUS
# Â Â Âat boostrap time.
#TestingClientDownloadSchedule 10, 2, 2, 4, 4, 8, 13, 18, 25, 40, 60

ExitPolicy accept *:80
ExitPolicy accept *:443
ExitPolicy reject *:*
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