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Re: Paid performance-tor option?

On 2008-08-19 Scott Bennett wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Aug 2008 13:17:58 +0200 Ansgar Wiechers wrote:
>> On 2008-08-19 Scott Bennett, persistently sending his mails without
>> In-Reply-To- or References-headers, thus continually breaking threads
>> for everyone else, complained:
>>>      On Tue, 19 Aug 2008 15:49:50 +0700 Roy Lanek <lanek@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> again quoted me without attribution:
>> Remove the beam from your own eye before trying to remove the splinter
>> from someone else's.
>      This I've discussed here before. Demanding the use of threaded
> mail readers is silly for a low-volume list and is not required in any
> case.

As usual you're completely missing the point. Nobody's demanding the use
of threaded MUAs, but a lot of people do use them, and threading is
convenient even for low low-volume lists. Your persistent refusal to use
a reasonable mail setup, which in turn leads to broken threads, makes
things unnecessarily hard for everyone else for no apparent reason other
than your reluctance to fix your mail setup.

Beam and splinter. Stop making things hard for others yourself, then you
can come again and complain.

Ansgar Wiechers
"The Mac OS X kernel should never panic because, when it does, it
seriously inconveniences the user."