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New PortableTor!

PortableTor allows you to connect into the Tor anonymous internet system from any computer with your flash or thumb drive. This allows you to browse the internet anonymously from public locations, such as internet hotspots, library, or school computers and public terminals. PortableTor has all of the features as the regular Tor, except without actually installing the application. You could also use PortableTor if you just don't like installing programs on your computer, and you'd rather have a standalone program with all of its dependant files in one location.

We have done a lot of work on new updates recently, including completely restructuring the program into the PortableApps format, creating an NSIS launcher that monitors file integrity on launch, and much more. Many of our updates came from our new partnership with Matt Morton, who offered to merge his Torvox program with PortableTor. The latest update of PortableTor brings everyone up to package PortableTor-

Please check out the latest PortableTor package at http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=194105 .

For more information about PortableTor, including usages and related Firefox plugins, please check out our main site at http://portabletor.sourceforge.net/

Steve Morley