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Re: client bug in and a new bad exit: exoassist
On Sun, 31 Jan 2010 23:10:42 -0500 Flamsmark <flamsmark@xxxxxxxxx>
>On 31 January 2010 21:58, Scott Bennett <bennett@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> So it appears that a) there is a new tor client bug in
>> that
>> leaves the "exoassist.exit" in the name passed along from its SOCKS
>> listener
>> to the destination port.
>Isn't .exit deprecated because it's a potential vector for attack?
Sure. However, I don't see it as being useful for attack if the user
only uses it to test for bad exits. IIRC, no simple replacement for that
purpose has yet appeared, so I have it allowed in my torrc for precisely
that purpose. As long as the code exists and can be enabled via a torrc
option, then it should continue to work correctly.
Nevertheless, "exoassist" is a bad exit and should be flagged as such.
Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet: bennett at cs.niu.edu *
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