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Re: FTP with Tor

Thanks tildeone for all your help. Am currently exploring the tor_resolve stuff you kindly put down. Would be so grateful if anyone can comment further on these topics:

1) "the fact that an application speaks socks 4a doesn't mean the dns leakage problem is not present." Oh. Can you perhaps explain the significance of socks4a for me? Why is it so important to Tor if it is not related to this DNS issue? Isn't the importance of Privoxy something to do with it enabling Tor to be used as a Socks4a proxy as opposed to a Socks4 or Socks5 proxy?

2) Is this valid?: if I input an IP address to the FTP client, instead of a domain name, then there will be no DNS issue cause it will of course not have to look up the corresponding IP address to the domain name - it already has the IP address!

3) With FTP - is it best to use Tor as a 1) Socks4a proxy 2) Socks4 proxy or 3) Socks 5 proxy?

Thanks in advance. hope you guys all have a nice weekend.

From: tilde0ne <admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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Subject: Re: FTP with Tor
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2005 00:33:42 +0200
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On 23.07.2005 00:09, Ben Clifford wrote:
> Hi,
> 1) "the fact that an application speaks socks 4a doesn't mean the dns
> leakage problem is not present."
> Oh. Can you perhaps explain the significance of socks4a for me? Why is it so
> important to Tor if it is not related to this DNS issue? Isn't the
> importance of Privoxy something to do with it enabling Tor to be used as a
> Socks4a proxy as opposed to a Socks4 or Socks5 proxy?
Sorry, I can't (I'm really not that network guru at all, just starting
to learn)

> 2) So, I think what you are saying is that if I input an IP address to the
> FTP client, instead of a domain name, then there will be no DNS issue cause
> it will of course not have to look up the corresponding IP address to the
> domain name - it already has the IP address! A good idea for sure. Now, how
> to get the IP address for a given ftp domain name? Could use Tor-resolve:
> "a program that you run to resolve one single domain name to one sinlge IP
> address
> using the tor network."
> How do I run Tor-resolve? Still don't really know how to use the Tor-resolve
> functionality.
usage (in DOS promt, if you are on windows):

tor_resolve [-v] hostname [sockshost:socksproxy]

arguments in [] are optional, -v means verbose output, without defining
sockshost:socksport tor_resovle defaults to localhost:9050.

> 3) With FTP - is it best to use Tor as a 1) Socks4a proxy 2) Socks4 proxy or
> 3) Socks 5 proxy?

I think it should be socks 4a (but again, I don't really know the
significance - guess there are people knowing much better on the list).

Hope that helps

- --


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5f69 47da 52a0 99b7 06c8 8319 6de8 4803 7817 d32a

admin key fingerprint:
a812 3e53 75a0 21a4 c73b 7438 35b4 f926 582o 4cec

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